Morning Surprise
· original author:
"Hello! Lilly! Hanako! Anyone there?!" you shout up, but no response. You attempted to climb up the inside walls of the drawer, but the wood was too smooth for you to get a good hold on.

"Well, I guess there's worse places to be trapped than a girl's underwear drawer..." you mumble to yourself. "I just hope one of them remembers me in here..."

You take a moment to realize that the smell of your silken "kingdom" has changed slightly. A more perfume-y scent? You couldn't put your finger on it, but something was different.

From the other side of the room you could now hear someone's footsteps softly and slowly coming towards you, yes! Finally!

"Good morning, wake up!" was all you heard as your eyes were suddenly blinded by the light that poured in when the voice's owner opened the drawer. You covered your eyes with your arm as they adjusted, and the blurry form came into focus as the easily recognizable figure of Lilly! But wait, weren't you in Hanako's drawer last night? She must have moved you while you were sleeping...

"Um, are you there? You are there, right tiny?" Lilly said now a little worried that you didn't immediately respond.

"Oh, yeah, good morning Lilly, I'm here! I must have been out really cold for you to have moved me to your room without waking up, huh?"

"Correct, I figured that since you obviously enjoyed where you were so much that I'd simply allow you to keep the same accommodations for your sleeping arrangements in my room." said Lilly. So she did know exactly where she was putting you last night!!

"H-hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" you shout. She thinks you're the pervert when she put you in these situations in the first place!?

"Heehee, it's just a joke, calm down. Do you mind if I pick you up?" Lilly asks as she lowered her hand for you to climb on to.

You hoist your body up and sit down in the palm of her hand. You forgot how smooth her skin was, pale and without any blemishes as well...

"Um...if you don't mind me asking...are you getting smaller? You feel a bit lighter from yesterday..." Lilly expressed with concern.

"Hmm? What do you-- Oh no. I haven't taken my medicine since before class yesterday! We gotta get to my dorm! Who knows how small I can get!?" you panic.

How does the rest of the day pan out?
February 17