You were left in there all night, and Hanako ju...
· original author:
Turns out it is morning & early to, the sun is just peeking up. You don't know this because your limited to seeing nothing but the roof barely & a large expanse of panties, the one you currently lay on being quite comfortable.. Then you remember that your on panties! Being honest with yourself, being close to undergarments & big women wouldn't be bad if safety was confirmed.
You hear the deafening sound of a loud -crooooo--k- which is in reality Hanako's bed, the fire-scarred girl waking up. To preoccupied thinking like about how today will go to notice you seemed to have shrunk .5 inches to 1.5, you did know this was Hanako's drawer from the familiar smell..

Hanako felt inattentive & somewhat groggy from just waking up, actually having forgotten your presence in her panty drawer. Well, she actually thought Lilly might've put you in any drawer, or snuck you back, after yesterday she was still a bit confused as to why she yelled at you for wanting to leave.
Going about her morning routine, you felt your own stomach nagging at you for food. You were helpless as you heard repeating & soon to-be quieter stomps & a quiet yawn, Hanako going first to the bathroom.

About six minutes passed before the roar of the shower was over & you heard a 'whoosh' ring-clattering sound, no doubt the shower curtain opening. Echoing quiet steps & quiet breathing is all you hear again for a minute or so? Then they were coming closer. "Hanako! Hanako, in here!" You yelled to get her attention as her shadow loomed in what little light was available, your ears were suddenly then pierced by the sound of wood-scraping-wood!
You knelt down & would anticipate this again, covering your ears with her surprisingly warm & soft silky panties.

Unknown to you Hanako didn't even hear your voice, you were so tiny & so miniscule you'd have to be quite close to be heard, or yell at the top of your lungs! "HANAKO!" Yelling as soon as she closed the other drawer your voice was forced quiet, the screech of it driving you crazy. Then after she put on black socks she'd fire open the panty drawer- you ended up falling to your side & feeling disoriented from the sudden g-forces. Hanako scanned the drawer hastily to see if the tiny man was sleeping on any pair, & unfortunately for you she didn't see that you were blended in well with a pair of dark-green panties!

Your scream as she picked it up was loud to you & real- deafened by her own breathing. Miles high it looked like you were lifted, & having to hold onto the arch underneath was the only way to be safe! "HEY! HEY! H-" She twisted the panties around & would grab onto the sides, you freezing for a second as she lowered them to her feet... How? How could she be staring right at her panties, but not see you? Your vision being focused on Hanako's body scars & bare, slighty scarred right breast for a second before seeing her slightly curved lips, she either really forgot or thunk of Lillie taking you, or.. Is just being weirdly assertive? Unanswered, you rushed to try & climb into the arch to climb her panties up from inside- only you barely made it up the panty front.
The panties shot up & you surely weren't getting away, the floor appearing like two hundred feet down. Hanako"s wide pussy loomed just a few inches under you & then you were forced against her pubic hairs, your body sinking into the short-shaven things. You felt a slight bumpiness from her skin & heard her heartbeat barely, her insides making chruning-like noises & immense warmth quickly setting in. Her walking made you move down some- NO!

Grabbing on her panties as she was walking, you really didn't want to be found below her honey pot! "Huh.." You heard her speak to herself as she looked into the drawers, only a dark green light visible for you in this sweat-musky & tight area. Unaware that Hanako now might think Lilly took you back, you were shocked when the tightness increased & the panties were squishing your face & body, light also getting more dark, she put pant-stockings on! Now better than never to move feeling its getting worse here, you held on tight just incase & tried to flail against her body- It wouldn't work.
If she wasn't moving some as she put on her bra she might've noticed you before, without the stockings, but now the panties were keeping you pressed against her crotch all snugly. Your flailing only caused you to move down a few centimeters, this scaring you wild & making you stop, feeling its slightly hotter down there.
Well, you figure if your gonna be in this situation you could wait until she sits & crawl out from atop, it'd probably be better then scaring her as she just woke, with her anxiety & likely mad reaction.

Feeling like your stomach is caving in on itself & being parched isn't a nice combo, this heat not really helping.. Ugh.. Now her skirt falls down, ripping what little light was left & leaving you unable to see a centimeter away. Hanako walked again, you felt a small slip, so you had to grab on despite the tightness anyway. Finally putting her shirt on-

You saw some light come from above as she tucked her shirt outside of her panties, below the skirt. Not even did you have a outline, just a almost unnoticeable tiny bulge. So ready for the day she left her room, hastily heading to Lilliy's door & knocking twice.
"A-Awake?" She asked, you actually heard well, though wach bounce is disorienting.

"Yes.. Just drinking some morning tea, you may come in." It must be seven or seven thirty, if they have so much spare time..
Hanako entered Lilly's room & would just look around for a few seconds, Lilly sitting on the floor in boxers & her school shirt. "Have a good night, Hanako?" She asked after a few seconds of silence, Hanako heading to her bed to sit on! This gave you a chance to get up more as the direction shifted- her stockings were forcing you into her now, though crawling was almost impossible! No!
"Yes.. That.. The Tiny Guy was interesting.." Speaking a bit weirdly, you couldn't figure out her tone. Lillie was looking in the general direction of her, "Speaking of, is out unnamed little friend awake?"
.................. A lengthy silence, you flailed against Hanako now, her feeling a barely feelable poke. Her face was quickly flaring up red as she shot her eyes down, you could feel her body heating up now that she noticed you.
"Y-ye-s, I th-ink he mightbeinmy drawers still!" Hanako got up & you felt yourself fall down just a bit, her quickly making way to her door & her face staying the same..
-I can't believe.. how was I so blind? Unfeelable? I thought.. I just met him! He- he really has this condition!? How!?- Thinking to herself in some panic, Lilly could recognize the quick-paced loudness of Hanako's panic-mode tone. She didn't know what she was doing it for though- "Well be hasty, please. We should get that boy to his dorm for medicine before school starts."

Hanako bolted into her room & would shut the door silently, though internally thrice felt, she was very nervous, annoyed, & a bit apologetic for throwing you around in the morning.. She let her skirt fall to the ground before pulling her stockings down to her crotch-
The fresh-ish air was nice & as light floods the cloth prison, things got looser for you. "Oh.. My, t-tiny, y-your down there.." She felt her crotch & pressed down some, you yelled in some pain as her skin forced you to the right, she could see your bare outline now.

"I.. P- Please don't be mad, or.. Speak about.. This. Please be okay..?" Yah, nice to hear her ask that before asking if your ok.. But her anxiety must be shooting high, you could see why she asked so. Then light flooded you from above- before you could look up, two of Hanako's fingers wrapped around your waist.
Suddenly light hurt your eyes & fresh air flooded your nostrils, Hanako had a trembling hand as she set you atip her dresser, sitting on her bed & looking right down at you.
Taking a few seconds to adjust to light, you looked up to see her hands covering her crotch & Hanako bearing a very small smile. Then she bent close to you, her breath was slightly rancid & peachy- "Tiny, sorry- what's your name? S-sorr-y for.. Just a.. Few minutes ago." Well..

Now you feel you have to word this right?
February 17