Lilly slowly stripping down in front of you
· original author:
As soon as you steeped inside Lilly's bathroom, you looked up and saw her sitting on her toilet seat as she was just starting to remove her boots. She grabbed one and slowly pulled it off as she set it down on the floor beside her. As she was doing the same with the other one, you found yourself being drawn closer and closer to her as she was stripping without even knowing you were in there with her.

Then she put her hand underneath her skirt and started pulling on her long black stockings. She was removing them very slowly for some reason. Almost as though she was enjoying every second of it. Until she was done, and the stockings were off of her toes. Then she playfully flexed them and placed her bare foot on the bathroom tile.

By the time she started with her other stocking, you were right in front of her feet. Just looking upward at the goddess known as Lilly as she kept blindly undressing. You were in such a deep trance, that you didn't even see that she was setting her socks down on the floor. Right where you were standing. And that's when you got buried underneath her socks.

Luckily for you, the smell wasn't too bad. But you still couldn't see what was going on above you. So you pulled yourself up until you realized--
February 17
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