Lilly was taking you back to her own room to tu...
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By the time you got back to Lilly's dorm room, it was really late. Perhaps around 11:00 pm or so. Lilly walked up to her bed and placed you down on it as you looked back up at her.

"*Yawn*. I'm so tired. How about you?"

"Yeah. I think I'm ready for bed myself." Lilly half smiles as she closes her eyes for a moment.

"Alright. First i need to freshen up a little, before i go to bed." Then Lilly started walking over to her bathroom door and half opened it before saying--

"Feel free to take a look around if you want. I won't be too long." And then she went inside her bathroom. But she left the door open a crack when she closed it. It was just enough so that if you wanted to, you could slip on in and watch her change out of her clothes. The thought made your nose bleed a little.

"I can't do something like that to her. After everything she's done for me so far. But then again, it's not like she would see me. She is blind after all. I could just take a quick peek and leave before she does." The thought made you feel awful, but at the same time, you were a young man. And when was an opportunity like this going to come along again? So you decided--
February 17
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