Bedtime with Raelin
Three Wishes Chapter 13
Raelin takes you over the bed and says "We need to consummate our marriage tonight to make it official. After all playing with me down there doesn't count. I want you to make love to me tonight husband." She takes the magic pendent and enlarges you to twelve inches tall. Although you are twelve times the size you were a moment ago, Raelin is still huge compared to you. She has you situated between her legs on the bed and she tells you "But first I need you to sign the proclamation to make me the ruler."

You look at her feeling a little more power at your new size and say "I'm not signing that. I am still the sultan and you are my wife. Isn't that enough for you." She is angered at your attitude and replies "If you don't sign I will reduce you to the size of a bug and seal you in a pendent to wear around my neck until you agree or maybe I lock you away in a jewelry box until your attitude improves. You need to realize I have all the power. "

You think you might be able to negotiate with her and say "If I sign, will you make me full size again?" She thinks for a moment and says "No, but I'll let you stay bigger like you are now and I'll protect you from any harm. You can even participate in court if you want." You don't want to be locked up for days on end and you don't think you'll get a better deal and say "OK" She brings the papers for you to sign and when you do she gives you a kiss and says "You made me so happy little husband. Now it's time for you to take me to bed."

She puts the pen and paper aside and brings you back between her legs and you see her naked pussy awaiting you. You start with some foreplay and she gets into it immediately giving you a love squeeze with her thighs, She is getting pretty wet in there and you are hard as a rock and decide its time by pumping in and out of her while using your hands to play with her pussy. You think you are doing great but your dick isn't much more than an inch long and Raelin isn't getting much from it. She reaches down and grabs you around the middle and pushes you inside her headfirst. She pumps you in and out and it is an extremely tight fit at this size and you feel like you are going to break.

When she orgasms she lets you go and you collapse on the bed trying to catch your breath. You look up at her and joke "I think I was a little too big for you in there." She smiles and says "Yes, it was a bit uncomfortable and you see she has the magic stone in her hand and you reduce back down to five inches tall. "That should make you a more comfortable fit" she tells you as she carries you over to a water basin to clean you off and dry you. "Hey. I thought you were going to let me stay bigger?" you ask her. "You are bigger and I didn't lock you up so be grateful" she says as she carries you back to bed and cuddles you between her breasts as she goes to sleep.

She falls asleep and you decide

August 17, 2023