Morning With Raelin
Three Wishes Chapter 12
You lose track on time inside Raelin's vagina and you hold on to her clit for fear of being swept deeper inside and lost. You feel her get up for the day and eventually she retrieves you from inside her and sets you down on a table. "You have tried to cheat me multiple times but I won't let you do it again. Now that I am queen, you will stay small and under my control. I will release the harem girls that want to leave and those who wish to stay will find roles in my court." she tells you.

"You can't do this" you tell her, "I forbid it." She picks you up and replies "I can't? It's already done. You will stay tiny and hidden away and if you are a good boy I may give you a few inches back." She holds you up to her lips and gives you a kiss and says "Now be a good little husband and give me some hugs and kisses while I take care of business." She pulls away undergarment that supports her chest and sets on astride her nipple before retightening her undergarment pinning you against her nipple and forcing you to kiss and caress it.

She goes to the court and starts issuing orders telling everyone that you did not feel good after last nights celebrations. She speaks to the harem girls and some want to leave but she offered her friends positions to help her establish her power. It isn't until evening that she returns to your private residence and removes from her breast. "She gives you some scraps from her dinner and wine which you happily accept.

As she lounges in the residence relaxing she gets an idea and comes back to the table where she had left you. "I want you to make a proclamation that you are no longer able to rule and you will name me the sole ruler." she tells you. You look up at her and reply "No, I'm not going to help you. You need to make me normal size again and then we can talk."

"I don't need to do anything you say. You need to start obeying my your queen. Let me give you a little demonstration." She leans in so her lips are right over you and slightly open and she inhales deeply. You tiny body is lifted off the ground and sucked into her mouth where she pushes you around in her mouth like a piece of candy coating you in her saliva. She opens her mouth and lets you fall out onto the table. She says "That's fun" and breaths in again suck you in. This time the tip of her tongue pins you to the top of her mouth and holds you there. She wiggles the tip of her tongue over your body before releasing and you fall to the bottom of her mouth. Her tongue pushes you against the back of her lower teeth. She then positions you between her lips but continues to hold you tight. She inhales through her nose and exhales through her mouth and you shoot out and hit the table skidding along the surface.

"Ready to go again?" she asked as she reached out and used her finger to drag him closer to her, "or you can sign this paper and make me a proper queen." You're lying on the table unable to move and you won't give in saying, "I'm am never signing anything." She smiles and says "I love a challenge" picking you up and giving you a kiss. "Maybe you need a little drink to relax and change your mind" she giggles as she drops you in her wine goblet. You recover and float to the top but her finger comes down and pushes you under dunking you and forcing you to drink the wine.

She says "You need to save some for me." and she lifts the goblet to her lips and drinks drawing you close to her mouth. You hit her lip and she stops drinking and you fall back into the goblet and she swirls the wine which forces more wine down your throat. She takes another drink and this time you hit her lips and pass through to her mouth where she swirls you and the wine in her mouth before swallowing it. She spits you out and you land in her now empty wine goblet. "You need to learn who is in charge, my tiny husband." she tells you, "or I might swallow you next time."

She then decides to

August 17, 2023