Bedtime with Raelin
Three Wishes Chapter 11
It's late at night when Raelin returns to your chambers and removes you from her pussy and washes you off with some water from a small bowl. "Did you enjoy our time together today my little pet?" Raelin asks you as she lies you down on the bed, "I loved feeling you squirming around in there all day. I could do that every day with you unless..." She lingered on her words for a moment, "You make me your queen like you promised."

You knew she was right that you double crossed her when Jasmine was still around. One one hand how can you trust her with control over your size but you don't want to be her dildo for the rest of your life either. "OK" you tell her, "You make me 6 foot again and I'll marry you but then I want that ring destroyed."

She brings her finger down on his chest and slowly strokes his naked body and says, "And how do I know you won't double cross me again. After all once you are full size, you do have all the power. Maybe I should just be satisfied with our current arrangement."

"No" you shout back, "We can arrange the wedding and just before the ceremony you will restore me and destroy the ring then we will get married. Agreed?" She thinks about it for a little while and agrees to your terms.

You summon your vizier as Raelin waits nearby in case of any trickery and enlarges you back to six feet . You quickly dress in robes before the vizier arrives and you give him the instructions to arrange the marriage for noon the next day. He confirms all the plans and as soon as he leaves you feel yourself drop back down to four inches tall. Raelin comes over and plucks you off the floor and into her palm. She carries you to bed and softly caresses you as she lies down. "Soon you will be a big sultan again and I will rule by your side as your only Queen and we can dispense with that silly harem." she tells you as she continues to stroke your body.

Joe isn't thrilled with her comments and needs to figure out how to deal with her once the ring is destroyed. He certainly didn't want to give up his harem of beautiful girls before he's had a chance to fully experience them yet.

The wedding plans are made and Raelin takes Joe in her pocket to a room where their wedding clothes have been prepared and she enlarges him so he can get dressed. They walk out to where the wedding is to held and the room is full of members of the court. The ceremony happens and Raelin is thrilled that everything happened without any incident. She hands the ring to one of the girls that was attending her and says "Please take care of this as I asked." The girl quickly leaves and Joe asks what she is doing with the ring. "It will be melted down immediately." she replies.

As the reception winds down and it is time to leave, you turn to two guards and say, "Please escort my Queen to my chambers and guard the door so she doesn't leave." Raelin looks a bit surprised but goes with them without an incident as you retire to the harem to have some of the girls pleasure their sultan.

It isn't till late at night till you return to your bedchambers and he dismisses the guards and enters the bedchambers where Raelin is waiting for you looking annoyed. "Where have you been?" she asked looking at your obvious drunkenness and his clothes a mess. He confronts her and says "I've been with those silly harem girls and I decided they are staying. I am still the sultan and now that that annoying ring is gone, you'll only do what I say. The harem will stay and you will be confined to these quarters for my pleasure. Anger me and I will find you less comfortable quarters to spend your time.

Raelin is standing a good ten feet from him a nd he sees she is smiling and twirling her pendent. "what's so funny" he asks her. She continues to finger the pendent and says, "I held up my end of the deal and you are still trying to cheat me but locking me away in here. Maybe you should be the one locked away while I rule." She touched the stone on the pendent and says, "make the sultan one inch tall." Joe lunges at her put it is too late and he immediately shrinks down.

Raelin walks up to him until her bare foot is directly in front of him and he is barely taller than her big toe. "I destroyed the ring as I agreed. It was melted down but I had the magic stone inserted in a pendent just in case you'd try your trickery one again." She nudged her toe forward and it collided into the tiny sultan knocking him on to his back. She lowered her toe over him pinning him down to the ground. He tried to push her off but it was futile. "Just a little pressure and I could be rid of you for good but I am too nice for that."

She picked him up and he watched in horror as she spread her vaginal lips and pressed him up against her clitoris. "Now hold on tight and start kissing. You don't want to get lost to deep in there or I may never find you." she laughed as she curled up for sleep with her sultan tucked safety away for the night.
August 17, 2023