You Make it the the Teacher
Three Wishes Chapter 24
You sprint at hard as you can and you make it to the safety of under the teachers desk without anyone seeing you. Now you need to decide if you should reveal yourself to this teacher and hope for help or try to make it out of the school. You listen to the teacher go on throughout the class and all you can see are her legs and shoes which look pretty good from this angle. You are guessing she must be around 30 years old but it's hard to tell.

Finally it is time for lunch and she dismisses the kids to go to the cafeteria. The teacher is still going through papers and you relaize you have a chance before she leaves the room for her own lunch. You go to the side of her chair and yell up to her as loud as you can "Hi. I need help. Can you help me?" She looks around confused when she hears your voice and you add "I'm down here. Look at the floor." She looks down and you see a very pretty face with a pair of glasses and her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail looking down at you with her eyes wide in amazement.

"What are you and where did you come from." she asks you. "It's a long story but I need your help." Her hand reaches out and you are nervous as her fingers envelope you and bring you up to her desk. She looks down at you and says "Now what's your story little fellow?"

"OK I know this is hard to believe but I was shrunk to this size by a genie but I got to my ex-girlfriend to help me but then we got separated at the mall and this little girl and her mom found me and was keeping me as a pet. I escaped from her to get your help." You figure the condensed version of the story is good enough for now. "You continue "Will you call my girlfriend and tell her you found me?"

"I thought you said ex-girlfriend" she says correcting you, "By the way which of my kids was keeping you? You answer "It was Marie. I don't know her last name." She shakes her head and says "Yeah, she's a pain in the ass and so is her mother. Well I have to grade some papers and eat my lunch so I don't have time for all of this. We can figure this all out after school she tells you as you watch her get her purse out of a desk drawer and open it up. She lifts you up and drops you inside and zippers it up trapping you inside. "Wait a minute..." you start to say but she drops the purse back in the desk drawer leaving you in darkness.

It hours later before she opens the purse and you discover that...
August 17, 2023