Sasha and Darla Decide Not to Keep You
Three Wishes Chapter 24
Darla say "Nah I don't need some creepy little guy watching me in my room all the time. Let's find him a new home instead." Sasha thinks and adds "It has to be a situation that he isn't going to get back to Debbie either." Darla picks you up off the table and looks at you saying "We could give him to a little girl for her doll collection." Sara replies "No that won't work. What if the parents or a babysitter finds out and takes him back to Debbie. We need a situation that he won't get out of. Hmmm, Do you know any horny widows?" They both laugh and you grimace at the suggestion.

Darla says "Not off hand but I do have an idea. Remember that friend of mind, Jen? She has this business called "Jen's Fancy Lingerie out on Route 30. They sell all kinds or risque outfits and well as sex toys. Maybe she'd be willing to take on a commission sale on our behalf."  She looks directly at you and says "What do you think, tiny? You want to be lonely ladies sex toy?" They both laugh at the joke and Sasha says "Great idea. Text her now." 

After a few minutes texting followed by a phone call where Darla filled in the unbelieving Jen. Finally Darla hangs up the phone and says to Sasha "She's interested but she wants to meet tomorrow at her store in inspect the merchandise. We have to go in the morning before she opens the store for the day." Sasha makes a face and says "I have an early shift tomorrow. You're going to have to fly solo on this one." 

Darla says fine not happy that she got stuck going to a lingerie store too early in the morning for her. "Where do we keep tiny for the night.: she asks Sasha takes you from Darla and says "Well Jack is away for his annual fishing trip and I could use a little company. Maybe I can give him a preview into the rest of his life" as she carries you back to her bedroom.

You met Sasha before when you dated Debbie and she seemed like a decent person. What could she have in mind that would be so terrible. She drops you on the bed and goes into an adjoining bathroom. A few minutes later she comes out wearing nothing but a sheer silky emerald green robe. She stops in front of the bed and strikes a pose for you and you feel your member getting hard. She kneels by the bed and gets close to you and whispers "My boyfriend won't do three things I ask him for: kiss my feet, lick me out with his tongue and play with my anus, but tonight little man you may get to do all three tonight." The sexiness of her speech almost make you cum right there but then the message sinks in and you want to run. 

As if Sasha anticipated your next move, her finger close around you trapping you and she sits on the edge of the bed. "Maybe you won't have to do all three, maybe two or only one. I'll give you a chance" she says as she sets you down on the floor by her bare feet, "beg at my feet and ask me to not make you do all three and perhaps in my mercy I'll spare you." 

You start begging and pleading with her not to do these things to you. You get on your hands and knees and bow to her which she takes note of as you continue to compliment and plea your case at the same time. When you are finally done you stay bowing over and silent. She looks down and says "You failed shrimp. I told you I wanted my feet licked but all you used your tongue for was begging me. You fail." You rush forward to her right foot hoping to salvage a messy situation and kiss it all over. "She spreads her first and second toe and says "Don't forget to lick me clean between the toes. You comply with her order and as soon as you start licking there, she relaxes her toes and they close around you holding your head in place. You are able to squirm free and you hear her say Now lick between the other ones then move to my next foot.

You comply hoping this will be enough to save you from her other requests. When you finish she tells you, "That was nice but you still fail. You didn't get it right the first time so it is still a fail. Unfortunately for you that was the easy challenge. Now I'm going to use you to play with me ass or more specifically the cute little brown button between my cheeks and If I don't at least get wet from playing with you, then I'll cut you a break. However if I am the least bit wet you will lick it all up. If get me wet enough, your little belly will be full for a long time."

She got on the bed on all fours and held me between her fingers as she moved me to her rear and used the same hand to push her ass cheek apart and brought me in. She uses my hair to tickle her asshole pushing my head against her opening and the smell was horrendous. She would repeat tickling an pushing over and over but then she pushed harder and my head penetrates the barrier of her anus and I am plunged in a horrible smelling dark place. You thought this must be what hell smells like." but then slides you and and out plunging a bit deeper each time. Meanwhile you hear her climax and you realize you have lost again.

She turns around and sits on the bed with her legs spread. She smiles down at you as she sets you down in front of her pussy which you can already tell from the smell is soaked and says "Well I guess luck wasn't with you and you'll be doing al three. Good news, is that my pussy nice and wet for you and you'd have quite a challenge get to all of it so I'll cut you a break. If you don't finish in an hour, I'll let you stop but no slacking off or the deal is off. Now get to work." You look back at her and say "I'm not playing this game anymore. You can't make me do it."

"Hmm, I think I can convince you." she replies and she grabs your foot between her fingertips and squeezes slightly and you wince in pain, "How about this tiny foot or maybe I can break a couple tiny toes off. No one would notice there. She released my foot and when you fall back to the front of her pussy, her finger comes up and shoves you headfirst and your face comes in contact with her wet soft pussy. You starts licking her wet pussy. The problem was that her juices would be tolerable at a low dose but filling your stomach with it was a whole other matter. You keep licking thinking you only have an hour to go.

Sasha keeps fingering your back and ass while you work on her . At the same time she is slowly maneuvering you down and deeper inside her. She does not relent keeping me going for what seemed like an eternity. And then suddenly she withdrew her hand and you kept licking not wanting to fail again. She shakes around a bit and you wonder is that is another orgasm but it feels different. Then you hear her say "I did say I was going to give you a break and let you only lick me out for an hour and I'll keep my word but I didn't say anything about letting you out. I like to cuddle after sex and I think keeping you down there cuddled up against my pussy is perfect." You try to push your way out but you feel a thick fabric blocking your way. She then drew her legs together and you had to retreat deeper inside her to avoid the being crushed by her legs.

Sasha lies on her side and tries to fall asleep knowing she has a secret little man locked away inside her, You stop pushing as you tire out and you can sense she has fallen asleep. You pass out in the midst of her sticky juices surrounding you.
August 17, 2023