Back with Lindsey
Three Wishes Chapter 36

You awaken after being rescued from Pixie the cat only to see yourself looking up at your nemesis Lindsey your ex's friend who despises you.  "Surprise!" Lindsey says "So good to see you.  Happy to see me?  Debbie dumps your ass and gives you to our friend Sara who you try to run from.  She borrows my sister's cat to flush you out and now you are back with me.  I could give you back to Sara but that wouldn't be fun, would it?"  You look around and see you are in Lindsey's car and Pixie is in the back seat asleep in the cat carrier.  Lindsey continues "Now I just need to return Pixie to my sis and then it's back to my place and don't worry, I won't be as careless as Sara."


She opens the center console of the car and drops you into a empty change tray and closes the lid as she drives off.  You think that this is worse than being with Sara who used you as a sex toy.  Lindsey will more likely just want to torture you.  She proceeds to drive to another location to drop off Pixie and then back to her apartment.   She retrieves you from the console and carries you up to her apartment.


Lindsey drops you on the kitchen table and sits down in front of you.  "Let's see what a fuck up you are.  I gave you to Debbie against my better judgement and you could have done what she wanted and been OK but you fucked that up and she breaks up for good and gives you to her friend Sara who let's admit is a 10 and wants to have sex with you but you try to run away and end up getting eaten by a cat that you miraculously survive only to end up back with me.  Karma.  The only question now is what I am going to do to you.  I'll tell you what, I'll let you beg for mercy."


Lindsey picks you up off the table and drops you on the floor by her bare feet.  "Let's see you beg, worm."  You know Lindsey means  business and get on your knees bowing down in from of her foot.  "Please Lindsey, you are so kind and beautiful.  Please show me mercy and help me."  You continue to plea as Lindsey watches you from above.  


Lindsey didn't say anything as she pivoted her foot up onto her heel and it moved forward toward you casting an ominous shadow over you.  You think she is testing you and you continue to beg but she slowly lowers her foot until it is right over you.  As it comes down you raise your arms in defense but it has no effect as her comes down pushing your body face down against the carpet.


"So easy to mush you right now" she says "but you aren't worth messing my carpet with your blood.   Lindsey keeps you pinned under her foot while she reaches for a mason jar on the table.  She unscrews the lid and places it back down.  Then she lifts her foot and grabs you between her fingertips raising you up and dropping you into the mason jar with a thud as you impact the glass bottom.  You watch as she punches holes in the lid for air.  She goes over to the kitchen counter and comes back with a single corn flake that she drop in the jar with you.  She then take a water bottle and pour the water over you forming a puddle about and 1/8" inch deep.  


Lindsey screws the lid on and says, "You have food and water so you see I am a merciful goddess.    Rest up because tomorrow you start your new life."


August 12
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