Master tactical plan
Three Wishes Chapter 34

Just when you're about to cry out for rescue from this torturous imprisonment, you suddenly remember all the things Sara has promised she'd punish you with for trying to escape, not even to mention how she treats you just for fun. Willing yourself to calm down, you count quietly under your breath to help endure until she finally gives up trying to call for you.


The last thing she does is trick Pixie into swallowing a fish-oil-covered marble with a string attached to it, telling you to grab on if you're alive and you can hear her in there. You ignore it, and let her pull it back up without you while the cat fusses.


After that, a disappointed Sara finally comes to terms with having accidentally lost her extra special toy already. She puts Pixie back in the cat carrier, and you bounce along with her for the walk back to her owner's place.


"Oh, she's back already! Did my Pixie solve your creature problem for you? Did she?" You hear a lot of sounds along the way to wherever this is, but you assume this fawning woman's voice is Pixies owner, as you've come to a stop and heard some knocks.


"Yeah... I didn't see what it was though... but there was a lot of blood and she ate something for sure, so thanks. I would have been so stressed out just leaving mousetraps and waiting!" Sara lies casually, and then Pixie defeans you with a friendly meow as you're handed over. 


"That's my little huntress! Yes you are!" The other voice dotes, then bids Sara goodbye and lets the cat out. She seems to delight in running around her own home again for a while, right away, so you don't pick up any of what happens next as you're treated to the world's longest and grossest roller coaster ride of motion. By the time she's settled down, the outside world's gone quiet and it seems like time for sleep.


Unfortunately for you, the next two days don't change anything about your miserable situation in a way that makes it any better. The constant jostling and acid splashes through the night make it all but impossible to sleep, and the cat's activities during the day are even worse. And while you're definitely giving her some digestive issues, to your dismay, this seems to mostly just result in her eating half as much to fill her stomach at mealtimes - drowning you in slop and water in the process - and then eating the other half later, so that you're tormented like this several times a day. In the meantime, you learn little about whose place you're living in and what her relationship to Sara is, other than that she's female, loves her cat, and seems to live with one or more other women or else have guests often.


On the third day, you finally hit the limit on how long you can keep going without occasional fresh oxygen. After all this sleepless torture, it's almost a mercy when you finally fall unconscious and stay that way.


The next time you open your eyes is...


  1. ...after she eventually coughs you up. You're lying in an empty living room, covered in hair - you've been coughed up!
  2. ...after her owner took Pixie to the vet. You're lying in a fascinated stranger's hand - but whose?
  3. You don't.
August 7 · edited August 7