In unfamiliar hands
Three Wishes Chapter 35

After a few days, Pixie's owner started to get worried about the cat's strange eating habits and growing irritability. She went to a veterinarian, where a scan immediately found the problem. A mass of fur and bone stuck in the stomach cavity. Quick surgery, simple but expensive fix.


The surgery itself was fairly unremarkable, except that the other-wise bored surgeon remarked that this one had a funny shape. Pulling it out of the patient's open wound with her forceps, she deposited it on the waiting vet tech's tray without a second look. "Why don't you bag that and let her keep it as a souvenir?" She chuckled.


"Gross!" The tech objected, though she found herself curious about the thing in her tray now. Beneath all that half-rotted fur, it almost looked like... but no, don't get distracted. "Can we even do that?" She helped the surgeon start to close the suture.


"Why not?" The surgeon shrugged, probably forgetting several relevant public health ordinances that she was too bored to care about right now. "Her cat, her property if she wants it. Ain't my kind of thing, but..." She got back to work.




"...and that's how you got here!" The woman holding you finishes, having now finished resuscitating your drowned body and explained, more or less, how you got to be in the hands of...


  1. Melissa, Sara's younger sister who's an honors student at the local college
  2. Joanna, Sara's divorced aunt who maintains a happy and busy social life
  3. Amelia, Sara's fair minded but somewhat ditzy childhood friend who takes her camgirl business seriously
  4. The vet tech, who after washing you off and getting a good look, simply had to keep you for herself
  5. A homeless woman, who rescued you from a racoon at the clinic's dumpster and now plans to sell you for a quick buck
  6. Lindsey
August 9 · edited August 9
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