Jacki goes out for her run with Jack secured against her ankle unable to move.  As she ran each time her foot impacted the pavement, Jack felt like it was him hitting the pavement as the force reverberated her ankle.  Although Jacki's run was probably only a mile, it felt like an eternity and a thousand miles to tiny Jack.


When she got home she released Jack and left him lying on the carpeted floor as she got a bottle of water to drink.  "Can I have a drink too, Mistress?" Jack asked her.  She sneered down at him and said "You can lick the sweat from my feet, little shit" and she removed her sneaker and sock and presented her foot to him.


Jack hesitated and Jacki gives her foot a little shake.  "Now, shit head or I'll have you drink my piss."  Jack quickly responded not wanting her to carry out her threat.  He licked the sweat making him ever more thirsty while she scrolled through her phone watching videos.  "Hmm, maybe I can make a video of you sometime.  Maybe something fun like you getting cooked in a frying pan.  Something fun like that."


She thought for a moment and sat down on the floor position her foot on the side making it easier for her to film Jack licking her giant foot.   I bet this would be lots of clicks from the S&M people online.  She started filming as Jack resumed licking her foot.  "Come on" she told him "Make it look like you are in love with my foot.  Kiss like you would kiss Zoe."  Jack complied for fear of being punished caressing her and kissing while still licking.  "That's good" Jacki commented to him.  


Jacki paused for a second and told Jack "Now do the same thing but between my toes.  Lick up all the dirt between them."  as she resumed filming.  Jack does as she orders hoping she'll give him some water after his performance. 


After a while Jacki finishes recording him and says "I need to edit this and add some sound.  We can always do this again if I need more footage."  She laughed at her own joke saying "Foot-age, that's s a good one."  She picks up Jack and carries him into the kitchen and deposits him back into the plastic case.  Before closing the lid, she pours some water into the plastic floor and closes the lid latching it shut.  "Now you can lap up that water like a dog if you like" she tells him as she sets the box down on the table and leaves the room.


Fortunately the water pooled to one side of the box due to the slightly uneven table and he is able to get a drink and try to get some sleep before she come back to torture him again.


The next morning Jacki awakes Jack and she is dressed for the day.  She tells him she is going to her job at the mall and that Jack will be...    

August 24
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