Jacki Returns
Winning Her Back Chapter 6

Jacki returns and says "Miss me, shithead?" as she comes in with bags that she puts down on the table.  She unhooks Jack from the hook and lowers him to the table.  She reaches down and squeezes his dick between her fingertips and he screams.  "Good, I have your attention.  When I ask you a question I expect a response.  Now, did you miss me?"


Jack says "Yes, Jacki."  She gives him a poke and says "Never use my name again.  From now on you can call me Mistress."  Jack meekly answers "Yes, Mistress."   She reaches in one of the bags and takes out a small box that has a silver metal frame and bottom.  The top and the sides are all clear plastic with a handle on top and a clasp on the front.  It's probably about six inches by four 4 inches around and about four inches high.   "Isn't perfect?" she asks Jack and he replies "Yes Mistress, what is it?


She looks at him and says "You really do have shit for brains.  It's where I'm going to keep you."  She picks him up and drops him into the box clasping it shut.  She picks up the box and gives it a little shake throwing Jack from side to side.  


Jacki sets the box down as she moves the bags to put the rest of what bought away while Jack laid in the box.  He sat up and worked at the knot that tied his ankles together to get them untied.  He could stand up and push on the lid but it didn't budge.  He tested the plastic side panels but they wouldn't move either.  They were Plexiglas and probably about an 1/8 inch thick. There were some slots cut in the lid but he couldn't fit his arm through one.  


A few minutes later Jacki returns with another plastic box that she sets down.  She opens Jack's  box and takes him out setting you down on a plastic cutting board.  She pushes him to his back against the board and runs tape over this torso and around the board securing him down.  She then proceeded stretch out and tape both of his arms and legs out leaving him spread eagle on the board.  


Jacki looks at her finished work satisfied and opens the other plastic box.  Jack can't see what she has except a pair of pliers that are as big as he is and that welds menacingly.  She continues to work on the table and says "I don't know if this will be painful but we can always hope that it is.  She goes for your arm and attaches a gold link around your wrist using pliers that could crush you in a wink of an eye.  She does it with out breaking anything and you see the link closed around your wrist with an other large link connected.  She continues this process with your other wrist and then your ankles.  


Jacki looks down at her new work and tells you "I wish you were smaller so I could mount you on a stud and wear you as my belly piercing.  That would be fun but maybe mounted to a toe ring would be even better.   Maybe I'd play beach volleyball while you're on my toe.  That would be great torture."  She stands up the board and start to remove the tape holding you down and saying "Oh well, this will have to do."


Jack tries to stand up once he is off the board but it is difficult with loops dangling from his ankles.   She pushes him down and runs a wire through the four hoops   She lifts up the end of the wire sending Jack sliding to the other end where there is a small bolt that stops him.   She continues lifting and Jack is lifted in the air effectively hog tied at the end.  "So much easier than messing with that string and I can hang you all different ways.  She holds up the end of the wire that Jack is on and he slides the other way dumping him back on the table  and freeing him from the wire. 


"Thank you for freeing me Mistress." Jack tells her hoping he might get a break from whatever else she has planned.  Jacki takes out a big gold hoop and lays it down on the desk.  She then lays Jack on top of it stretching him back spread eagle checking if the hoops would line up.  Once she is done, she pushes him aside and picks up the hoop.  She says "I can mount you on here and wear you like a pendent or maybe hang you from my car mirror as an ornament.  We'll have to try this out later because I its time for my run.  Want to join me?"


Jack now sees she is dressed for a run in a t-shirt, shorts and sneakers.  Jack know he needs to answer and says "I don't think I could keep up with you Mistress."  She picks him up and says "Oh little ass-wipe, I'm already way ahead of you."  She pulls down her sock and shows a scrunchie around her ankle.  She places jack under the scrunchie leaving him pinned hugging her ankle.  Then she pulls up her sock covering him and says "Let's go!"          


October 31, 2023
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