Making progress with tiny Jack
Winning Her Back Chapter 7

Lydia wakes up in an excellent mood, feeling refreshed and happy from the moment she opens her eyes and sees little Jack sleeping soundly, cuddling her left boob. She smiles happily and yawns, stretching her upper body, and causing Jack to start stirring awake. "Morning, sunshine. Sleep well in there?"


She teases, then closes her eyes and puckers her lips at him, waiting. Jack, feeling refreshed, gets up and walks carefully up her collarbone and to her chin. In spite of the aquarium earlier, last night had been unexpectedly really hot for him, and he still has a lot of pent-up arousal adding to his usual morning chubby as he leans in and wholeheartedly kisses Lydia's lower lip. He's starting to think maybe this wasn't be so bad. He'd never imagined his best friend could turn him on like this, but now that he knows she can, isn't she right? Why should he go and beg to get back with Zoe, when Lydia's the complete package, and she wants to be his girlfriend already?"


Meanwhile, Lydia notices that he's been quietly sucking on and tonguing her lip for several seconds straight now, and stifles a little giggle. She darts her tongue out quickly to swipe up his face, then gently wraps a hand around her little Jack. Opening her eyes, she gives him a coy smile and a wink. "What were you thinking about?"

Jack looks earnestly up, and answers confidently: "About how much I want to be with you. When you're ready!" He adds, not wanting to look like he was pressuring her. To finish off the point, he bends down to kiss one of the fingers on the hand holding him, and says: "I thought I was in love with Zoe, but that was crazy, wasn't it? I can't even trust her with my passwords, but I can trust you with anything. I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Lydia's breath catches in her throat as she's at a loss for words. On the one hand, Jack seems truly genuine and this is everything she'd dreamed about him saying to her. She can't say no when it's like this! But on the other hand...


On the other hand, she doesn't feel ready to grow him back yet. Maybe it wasn't just a heat of the moment thing, and re-enlarged Jack would be a committed boyfriend from now on, with no more traini- with no more practice needed, she corrects herself. But wouldn't she always be wondering if he could be better, if she'd wasted his full potential by ending the program early?


If they'd made this much progress in just one night, then how could she possibly justify not going on at least a couple more?


She pets his head with one fingertip, plants a kiss on his face, and soothes: "Jack, of course I'll keep y- I mean be with you forever. You just have to trust me."


"I trust you totally, Lydia!" Jack is pleased about the kiss even though it comes with a tinge of his best friend's morning breath, which he already feels comfortable enough with her to overlook. "You've been right about everything so far. I'll support what you think is best." He rubs a giant knuckle wrapped around his chest, encouragingly. He takes it as a positive sign that Lydia isn't complaining about his still-throbbing hard on pressing against her middle finger (without realizing that she's been too distracted with her own thoughts to even notice it).


"Okay." Lydia is pleased at the response, and at the idea it gave her. Where there is no trust, there is no love, after all. Kicking off their second day, why not have tiny Jack put his money where his mouth was?


To prove his trust for her, she decides to have him...

March 17 · edited March 18
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