Billy watched the blond woman leave. As the door clicked shut it occurred to Billy that he didn’t know here name. Hm, why was that strange. Smacking himself in the forehead Billy also realized…Crap she works for the caterers that were here yesterday. The shrinking device was probably theirs. So this was a good thing? Maybe?

Billy passed back and forth in the washroom. It was a typical washroom not dissimilar to the one in his how house. There were some sheets – no tablecloths folded up in one corner, as well as some boxes. He figured with all the stuff going on they were using this room for partial storage. Billy hadn’t really taken any time to get a sense of his new size. Walking over he picked up one of the folded sheets. It was surprisingly heavy. Not heavy, heavy but it had more weight to it than he had expected. Putting it down by the door Billy noticed some sandals, regular old flip-flops. Walking over he stood on top of one. It was like a bogy board, the kind of thing you body surfed on at the beach.

Billy walked back to the laundry basket he had partially fallen into and looked down at the cloths. Obviously it was all women’s stuff. Sticking his hand inside Billy pulled out a bra. DAMN! The single cup was bigger than his head. He knew Mrs. Carol was big in the chest but man. Feeling it up he noticed that is had a lot of padding and a very sturdy underwise…like a steel bar or something. Man, he thought, her boobs must weigh…just wow. She had to have had some work done. This of course reminded Billy that he was wearing the woman’s cotton panties as if they were a diaper. He put the bra down.

At that moment a sound came from the door and Billy spun around growing red with embarrassment. The door opened and the blond woman (Joyce) came back in, this time with another woman. The other woman was taller than the blond. She had a much darker complexion but it was hard to say weather she was black or maybe a dark Latina…it didn’t matter, she was tall, like a foot taller than the blond and clearly she looked like she pissed.

Billy didn’t know what the blond had said but he figured she hadn’t said anything about him because when the new woman saw him, her eyes went wide…like wide, wide, round with whites all around, popping out against her dark, milk-chocolate skin. It was so obvious that Billy could see all of it from his relatively low vantage point.

Joyce reached back to push the door closed but didn’t notice it not fully latch since the table cloth Billy put by the door had partially fallen between the frame and the door stopping it. “See, this is kind of a important deal.” Joyce said to the other woman in vindication. “I don’t know what to do. Should be call the manager? What am I saying, we got to call the manager…” Joyce answered her own question.

The dark-skinned woman put her hands to her head and turned around in a short shuffle, turning back to look at Billy and then back around. “OH-MY-GO---, Did you do this?”

Joyce took a step back getting closer to Billy and nearly stepping on his foot with her heel. “NO!”

Looking at Billy the woman reached into her back and pulled out THE REMOTE! Billy jumped, “You found it.”

“What” the woman said? She looked down at Billy and it was as if she realized he was a real person for the first time. “Found wha- Oh-no,” she looked down at her hand and the remote. “Kid, do you have one of these?”

The woman’s stare was intent. “No,” Billy said. “I found one yesterday but it got taken after this,” he point at himself all over. “Wait, that isn’t it? There were more?”

The woman turned to look at Joyce. “Those idiots in packing and transpo. Those morons lost one and didn’t report this.” The woman threw a little fit and stamped her feet in place while quietly screaming…man she looked pissed. The feet hitting the ground mad Billy brace himself just a little at the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! “They lost it and didn’t report it.”

“Well, then we got to right?” Joyce said. “Jerry,” that was the other woman’s name, “Jerry, we got to call someone right? This isn’t the first time this has happened. Can’t be.”

Licking her lips, Jerry looked from her blond co-worker to Billy and back and forth. Billy got a weird feeling in his gut. “Kid, where is the other ray-gun?"

This didn't seem right. Billy felt his muscled get tense. He didn't know he was going to do anything but he didn't answer the woman either.

"Na,” Jerry lifted the remote, did something and pointed it at Billy, “I got to think….”
June 10, 2023