Britany was staring straight at Billy. The boy didn't move; deer caught in the headlights. The giantess stopped forward here boots making a CLOMPING sound. In two strides she was across the room and towering over her brother. It was so fast that Billy just realized that he was looking at his sister's kneecap when a vice grabbed him by the head and yanked him up.

The sudden change in situation masked any discomfort Billy may have felt as his body dangled from his neck down. Billy's head was pinched between four of his sister's five fingers. Her thumb was pressed over his face mashing his nose and obscuring any examination of his face. "I DON'T REMEMBER YOU..."

Billy felt himself drop as as the pressures on his head was released and he was caught around the midriff by his sister's other hand. Her hand was just a bitt too small to wrap around his mid-section but her fingers did reach far enough to get under his arm on the opposite side. Billy pitched forward all of a sudden and his face face planted into soft fabrics...and then pressed further against whatever was beneath the fabric before being pivoted back the opposite direction.

Brittany examined the doll she had found in her closest. It was to big to be a figurine...It was also half dressed in some old shirt...maybe one of Erica's old baby shirts...or hers? Brittany tried to remember the last time she saw this particular doll. She tilted it back and forth the head waking her in the chest a few times as she carelessly tossed it around. Maybe it was one of her old princes dolls from when she was little?

Brittany vaguely remembered having a Barbie or something that was rather large...but that was years ago and this wasn't a Barbie. It must have been in the closet for ages if it was hers.
Britany walked back to her bed and sat down dropping the doll in her lap. In her brief examination she failed to notice the doll was male instead assuming it was a sexless toy; Billy was very much a man but he wasn't particularly bulking instead being a more swimmer build, lean muscle instead of bulk.

Billy fell forward again face planting into his little sister's chest when he was tossed back out into the air and spun around. Next thing Billy felt was himself surrounded on both sides by to massive, warm objects. A large rod the side of a park bench reached across him; Billy was now looking into the bedroom from the other side and he could see the closet where he had just been then WAMP. Billy was pressed by the rod against a warm wall and he felt the slight weight of something large and heavy over his head. Billy's brain caught on a moment later. Brittany was holding him against her abdomen and that weight was...Oh Man Billy sighed in exhaustion...her breasts. Billy was being held in his sister's lap like a toddler...not what he was hoping to deal with. If that wasn't awkward enough Brittany was slightly rocking back and forth in thought thereby proudly squeezing Billy against her ever time she leaned forward.

Brittany couldn't place the toy. The history was regulated to unimportant when a distant voice called out..."IT'S 7:30...GET DOWN HERE IF YOU WANT TO EAT."

Brittany tossed the doll to the side and stood up. "COMING!"

Billy thought he was free. He through wrong.
June 10, 2023
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