Adam lands on a hard surface, momentarily blinded by the city-scale screen he was on. Unable to see, he slides down the angled surface, until a monolithic finger crashes into him. As it rises into the air, Adam sticks to the oily surface. He watches as the ground once again flies away from him, and clings to the wrinkle canyon. Booming thunder echoes as the woman talks to someone. The response is from someone so big that the vibrations aren't even audible to Adam, but just bone-rattling vibrations.

Sarah takes a seat and activates her headset.

"Good morning, Prime Minister."

"Ah, Ms. Lasson, good to see you. You're here to discuss the petition to upgrade the buses, correct?"

As their conversation continues, Sarah pulls out the petition and places it in a tube, unwittingly sending a helpless Adam along with it. The document speeds along to printer, where it is scanned and printed to a larger scale. The original document is then returned to the tube, and sent back to Sarah, minus Adam. He was stuck inside the machine during the copying process, landing on a massive sheet of paper. Standing on a vast plain larger than North America, everything beyond was a blur. Well, that is until an equally godlike hand stretches over him and grasps the paper. If he thought the last woman was massive, this one must be bigger than a planet! The paper suddenly rotates, and Adam begins falling...again.
June 8, 2023
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