Luckily for Adam, the massive Lilliputian doesn't notice you or the plaque he's on. Unluckily, she seems happy with her work and leaves the mouth. A rumble fills the air as the jaws close, and the light leaves the mouth. In the distance he can just hear the dentist speaking, but it echoes too much for him to understand what she's saying. The Gulliverian deafens Adam as she replies, moving her jaws and tongue about. He remains in the sticky patch of plaque, and doesn't fly about.

More rumbles echo about the mouth as the giantess stands up from the chair and moves around. Adam takes the opportunity to try and peel himself from the plaque. Standing up, he starts to hike towards the front of the mouth, using a flashlight to light the way. As he reaches the premolars, the mouth opens up with a roaring noise. What's going on?
June 8, 2023
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