For many Prodigans, having and raising children aren’t a priority in their lives. Others don't even think about having them. This is due to Prodigans having an average lifespan of 350 years making having children needless. For a rare few, they are their life and their "everything".

Sonia is a gentle and beautiful Prodigan woman, who is approaching 40 years of age. It seems that her only goal and purpose in life is to be a mother. That is the goal she has set for herself since she was a child, a very strange desire in these modern times, in which Prodigan women want to be successful in their studies, work and everything, except "motherhood". Since they are the most powerful and superior race, they believe that dominion and power over the smaller races is their main purpose in life and the basis for their "happiness". That is why the idea of caring for and protecting another inferior being, even if it is another Prodigan, is incompatible with their lifestyle.

However, for Sonia, her "happiness" has been based on discovering her desire for motherhood. And in that process, she discovered numerous "benefits" for her body that have allowed her to maintain her beauty and health. She became the envy of many younger women and the unattainable crush of several young men.

But for Sonia, her "life” and “everything” are her billions of "precious little children" (as she calls them), who although were not literally "born" from her womb, they live and flourish inside her like a bacterial flora. That isn’t mentioning the billions of her other children in her immense glass aquarium who patiently wait until they reach adulthood to move into their mother and become "one" with her.

For Sonia, the fact her body is home to trillions of people who "care for" and "protect" her from within, makes her feel more powerful and valuable than any other academic or professional achievement that Prodigan society could offer her. While her fellow Prodi women waste away their lives in difficult, unfulfilling jobs, she was being the mother so many children desperately needed.

The Prodigans are the largest race in the world. They are larger the Brobdingnagians, who measure a little more than 2 cm to them, and the Gulliverians who are even smaller reaching almost half a mm in height, a height that makes them almost imperceptible to the Prodigans who often use a magnifying glass to distinguish them. However, when compared to the Microputians, the difference in scale becomes incredibly colossal. For the Microputians, which measure a little more than 2 cm to the Lilliputians and 0.5 mm to the Gulliverians, a Prodigan is more than 40 000 km long to a Microputian, a body of a planetary size which may be feasible for the Micros to explore and colonize, just as the Prodigans colonized the colossal world in which they live.

For a Microputian, having children is the most important part of their life. Women give birth to three-eight children a month. Their birth rates are sky-high. Microputian women have an average of 300 children during their lifetime. Since the Microputians are often victim to having their population decimated by the bigger races and are naturally horny, sexual relations are part of their culture and their high fertility has been an essential part in securing the future of their species. However, resources have become increasingly scarce for the Microputians. This has made it difficult for the parents to care for their many offspring. Many parents have increasingly turned to abandoning their children at specialized adoption centers for Lilliputians and Gulliverians. It is heartbreaking for the parents to leave their children. They clearly really loved their children, but they were left with no choice but to abandon them. At least their children would have a chance to grow up and live the normal, happy life that they themselves could not provide. The parents always left a memento for their children so they could find them once they became adults and could take care of themselves.

In contrast, for a Prodigan, reproducing is not an easy thing to do. The proportion of male and female Prodigians is very unequal. For every male Prodigan there are thirty-five females. This is due to two causes: 1. The genetics of the Prodigans, in which the "y" chromosome that determines sex is gradually declining in the Prodigan species: 2. Increasing infertility in males due to the reduction in size of their sperm, which is unable to fertilize a female Prodigan’s eggs. This has caused concern among scientists who believe that all males will die out in the next few decades and the women will follow soon after due to reproduction becoming impossible. Although there have been awareness campaigns and even laws passed that financially benefit women who have children (and that benefit is tripled for males), the truth is that more and more female Prodigans are disregarding motherhood and men are unwilling to partake in the responsibility of raising a child.

So it was not surprising that Sonia, a gorgeous woman that no man could resist, still could not get pregnant. Although she has had sex with many men over the years, the truth is that conceiving a full-blooded Prodigan baby had been impossible until now.

Because of this, for more than 10 years, Sonia has been determined to rescue these "little orphans" (as she calls them) from the adoption centers and has given them a new opportunity to grow up, mature and have a happy childhood. For Sonia, it has been an opportunity to be the mother she always wanted to be and compensate for her failure to be have a Prodigan baby.

For ten years, Sonia kept her "precious little children" safe and sound in a giant aquarium of one meter by 50 cm, where she provided them with food, water, warm clothes and all the other essentials they needed to survive and had even managed to rescue Lilliputian children and a pair of Gulliverian twins who had been orphaned. Despite the size differences, the children all coexisted in harmony under the rules that their mother made for them. She brought Lilliputian wet nurses from the orphanages with her to breastfeed the infants until they became six months old. She even hired Lilliputian and Gulliverian teachers to teach and educate them directly in various trades and careers for their benefit. Since then, a fascinating and crazy idea had begun to formulate inside her, one that would lead her to becoming more than a mother who cares for many children...
June 8, 2023
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