Dr. Adams: Lilliputian Biologist and Body Explorer
From an early age, James Adams was fascinated by the giant sized Gulliverians and their even larger cousins in Brobdingnag. Even with the stories of more unpleasant and aggressive contact with both races in times past and whilst he might have considered roles as an ambassador or investigate their respective cultures, his sharp mind and proven prowess in all of the sciences from youth drove him down the path to become one of Lilliput's renowned biological academics, an impressive feat for a man only aged 29. And his interest in both races had gone from simply biologically minded to a definite physical attraction to those bigger than he was. James had knew awkwardly that he felt more than a twinge of sexual thrill when he was around an attractive Gulliverian woman, and even more so with a towering Brobdingnagian. It was why he was still unmarried and childless while all of his siblings and friends have found lifelong spouses at this point.

Of course it wasn't simply the fact that Gulliverians and Brobdingnagians were the same as his own kind save bigger, but that they seemed identical in every aspect save size, a matter which with mostly healthy nations between all three races demanded further investigation. James had thus become involved in a project overseen by scientists from Lilliput, Gulliver and Brobdingnag to learn how exact each race's biology was by checking - internally.

To this end Doctor Adams had worked with technicians on creating both a biosuit which would allow a Lilliputian to survive inside either of the bodies of the other two races, and from there a transport device for small teams to utilise as a science platform, predominantly for use inside a Brobdingnagian as their insides would be easier to navigate. The work had taken nearly two and half years of research and spending a good deal of time adjusting to being in a secure facility with people of all three sizes, but it hadn't been so bad, and the prospect of getting the chance to finally use the suits and craft to explore their larger cousins bodies and determine just how similar they all were was an exciting one.

Plus of course being surrounded by a lot of attractive female scientists with no access to the outside world - since the governments and their science divisions wanted to keep the research a secret until the findings were made for fears that certain parties might disapprove - meant he had met someone he liked a lot...
June 8, 2023
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