Reserved to the gentle side of the Gulliverse, this thread explores the lives of the Lilliputians, Gulliverians, and Brobdingnagians that aren’t succumbed to senseless violence. Don’t get me wrong, I love senseless violence as evident in my writings, but I don’t want to leave out an unexplored part of this awesome world.

Now, bullying and imposing one’s size does exist in this thread, but we won’t see sociopathic giants terrorizing little ones. Smuttiness can exist in this thread; that’s okay. But the whole point of this thread is to see rational people trying to make rational decisions based on the world they live in. Essentially, the three races try to see each other as equals—try to at least.

I think an interesting approach would be that all the stories take place in the far future, years after all the violent stories if you prefer that sort of narrative. Over the years, Brobdingnagians became more tolerant of the smaller races and they were given more rights and protections. These new laws weren't just words on paper, they were actually enforced. Those who killed Lillies were treated in Brobby courts the same way as a serial killer and were punished accordingly. Human trafficking and the black market were cracked down upon and the small ones were returned to their homes. A guardianship programme was launched where Brobdingnagians were paid to protect Gulliverian and Lilliputian cities. After centuries of struggle, death and violence, it appears that the three races have finally achieved equality between each other for the most part. Lifespans were up thanks to the protections and the Lilliputians in particular experienced a baby boom. (A boom by their standards.) As a reward for the fairer treatment of their race, the Lilliputians shared their fertility treatments with the Brobdingnagians, giving many Brobbies the opportunity to start families for the first time.

I will remove any content that doesn’t fit this thread.
June 8, 2023
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