Felicia tells Nick to get a condom
Nick scrambled over to his nightstand and pulled out a condom. He ripped apart the wrapper and was about to slip it on his throbbing member before he looked down at his smart phone and remembered about the 26 remaining Lilliputians. He lifted his phone and brought it to his cock where he then tilted it, dropping 26 Lilliputians on the head of his penis. The condom slipped on right on top, leaving a dome—larger than a stadium—for the Lilliputians.

Nick crawled back between Felicia’s legs. Precum was already drowning a few Lilliputians in the condom prison. The lubricated condom split through Felicia’s excited labia like a hot knife through butter. Nick felt his cock heat up by a few magnitudes just by entering his excited partner. He inserted his cock all the way in until his balls made contact with his wife’s ass.

“I thought the Lilliputians didn’t make you excited?” Nick leaned down and gave his wife a kiss.

“I was thinking about what you said.” Felicia moaned as Nick thrust himself in and out like a slow oil pump. “That they’re little people.”

“They are people like you and me. Just very, very small.”

Felicia moaned. “Did you put any in the condom?”

“There are two dozen in the condom, fighting for their pathetic lives.”

Felicia jerked and tightened her thighs around Nick’s hip as began to pick up the pace of their fuck.


Beth tried to hold onto the attractive man that helped her earlier. The violent movements underneath them caused the man to tumble over Felicia’s gigantic clit and down towards her pussy. His fall was broken by a nearly mile long cock. Without time to react, this cock rammed itself inside an equally large vagina. His body was crushed against the slippery vaginal walls without either Brobdingnagian noticing.

Beth wanted to cry but didn’t have the luxury in doing so. Nick and Felicia’s fucking had picked up in greater speed. Beth held onto a pubic hair that was as thick as she was. Beth cried to herself as the giant couple killed and fucked without mercy. It was Beth’s birthday. Why was this happening to her?


Nick couldn’t hold back anymore. He performed one last deep thrust before coming to an orgasm. The reservoir in the condom filled with his hot cum, drowning any remaining Lilliputian inside. Nick and Felicia stayed connected, exchanging wet kisses.

“Will you be able to get more?” Nick asked.

“Sure can.” Felicia smiled.

They decoupled a minute later. Nick pulled off the condom and tossed it in the bin—an unceremonious end to 26 Lilliputians. Felicia sauntered to the bathroom, still lightheaded from a fantastic fuck. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror and tried to imagine what she looked like to all the Lilliputians they killed. Her milky white skin contrasted beautifully against her crimson red hair; still in a ponytail, but a little in disarray.

Streams of her pussy juice flowed down her inner thigh. She marvelled at her pussy and smiled thinking about how large it must have looked to the Lilliputians. In fact, she thought she could still see one. But that had to be her imagination, Lilliputians were difficult to see with the unaided eye.

No that was a Lilliputian, holding onto one of her hairs. Felicia lowered her finger and used an upturned fingernail to scoop up the pepper grain sized speck. She lifted her nail to her eyes and examined the little thing.

“You guys are like fleas.” She spoke softly to the Lilliputian, though she knew the little thing wouldn’t be able to understand her. “It’s not easy thinking of you as a real person with a real life and all. You are so damn small. Maybe I should keep you and get to know you. Maybe I could see things from your point of view.”

The tiny dark speck that was Beth didn’t move from the fingernail. She stood still and looked up in fear at Felicia. She didn’t know what Felicia was saying, but she hoped it was promising. Felicia then opened her mouth and tossed Beth into her mouth. Felicia sloshed around some saliva in her mouth and swallowed.

“Oops.” Felicia smiled. “I ate you on accident.” She patted her flat stomach.

**-----------------**-----------------**-----------------**----------------- **

“Hey Kevin, why do you look so gloomy?” Felicia asked her co-worker in the next cubicle over.

“I’m done.” Kevin sighed. “Listen, Felicia, can you keep a secret?” Kevin had confided in Felicia many times in the past. They worked together well and were even better friends. Kevin and his wife, Brittany, had gone on many double dates with Nick and Felicia. Sometimes they’ll go to each other’s home for dinner and drinks. “I’m bankrupt.”

“What?” Felicia’s mouth dropped open. “I’m so sorry to hear. What are you going to do? Does Brittany know?”

“She knows.” Kevin slumped in his office chair. “We’ve been considering on what to do. We even thought about down-classing. If we do that, we'll make more, pay off our debts and live tax-free. Brittany also really wants to have a child, but we're infertile. If we become Lilliputians, we'd become fertile enough to have kids. But, I don’t think Brittany wants to live as a Lilliputian even though we’ll make money out of it.”

A light went off in Felicia’s head. “Maybe I could convince her?”

Kevin looked up confused.

“I mean, like you said, down-classing will solve all your problems and wipe your debt away.”

“I don’t know. I’m sort of for it—but Brittany doesn’t want to be a Lilliputian.”

“Leave that to me.” Felicia had a hard time holding back a sinister smile.


“Come on,” Felicia whined. “It’s irresponsible if you don’t down class.”

“I don’t want to be a Lilliputian though.” Brittany said. “I don’t want to be tiny and helpless.”

“They’re not helpless. They have a thriving population and live wonderful lives with all those inventions they keep coming up with.”

“Okay, let’s say if Kevin and I did become Lilliputians, we won’t be friends anymore. You’ll be huge compared to us.” Brittany used her fork to shovel her salad into her mouth. She and Felicia were seated at an outdoor restaurant during their lunch break.

“Of course we’ll be friends. I would love for you and Kevin to visit us when you become Lilliputians. Maybe you can bring your future baby along when you finally have one.” Felicia smiled.

Brittany froze. She shouldn't know about that, but she seemed to already know about them considering down classing, so its safe to assume Felicia already knew she wanted to be a mother. “I—I don’t know. I really want to be a mother, so badly. I know we'll have a baby once we shrink, but he'll be as tiny and helpless as us. We can't protect him when a Brobby comes.”

The girls chatted more as they ate. Felicia kept persuading her friend for the entire lunch hour. Brittany was still on the fence about the big decision. She and her husband would need to discuss it more. However, they would need to decide quickly; their debt balloon was nearing the breaking point.


From the Down class® brochure.

Want to make fast easy money? Are you a Brobdingnagian willing to go on an adventure of a lifetime? Curious what it’s like to live as a Lilliputian?

Thanks to Science™, we use the mass-energy equivalence to shrink you down to Lilliputian size. Your lost body mass is then turned into pure energy that goes straight to the power grid. We pay big $$$ for that potential energy.

Call your local energy branch for a free quote!


One week has passed. Kevin and Brittany couldn’t even afford to buy food. Too proud to ask their friends for a handout, Kevin and Brittany decided to commit to down classing. They received a quote on how much they would make for both of them to down class. They received enough money to pay off their debts and they bought a large Lilliputian mansion afterwards.

The entire shrinking process was fast and efficient. In less than a day, they went from being homeless Brobdingnagians to rich Lilliputians. Before buying a home, Kevin and Brittany chose to stay at a fancy hotel. That night, they had an intense night of sex. The next day, Brittany fell pregnant. Life didn’t seem too bad anymore.


“I got a surprise for you,” Felicia said entering the bedroom only wearing panties. She was holding a smartphone like before.

“Oh, this looks good.” Nick perked up, already nude and in bed. “You got some more Lilliputians for us?”

“Yup! These ones are a little different from before. They are willing Lilliputians. These guys actually volunteered to be bought Brobdingnagians for pleasure. Can you believe that shit? These little pervs are crazy.” Felicia set the smartphone on the nightstand next to her husband. 1,000 was displayed on the phone.

“Holy shit.” Nick’s eyes went big as he saw that number. He started to stroke his cock. “There are so many of them that want to be used for our pleasure? Fuck yeah.”

Right before she slipped into bed, Felicia heard the house phone ring. She grabbed the cordless phone from the dresser and answered.

“It’s Brittany.” A cheery voice came over the phone.

“Oh hey girl, ever make that big decision?”

“That’s why I’m calling. Kevin and I are Lilliputians!” Brittany giggled over the phone. Felicia smiled. “We did it this morning. We’re in a hotel near the border city.”

“Oh my god, you have to come over and visit.”


“Now, if you can.”

“What?” Brittany let out a nervous laugh. “So soon? What are you and Nick up to?”

Felicia looked over at her husband. He had the smartphone, with the thousand Lilliputians, sitting at the base of his cock. His huge shaft throbbed over the heads of the cheering Lilliputians.

“Just another boring night.” Felicia told Brittany.

“I’ll ask Kevin if he wants to come over.”
June 8, 2023
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