Nick & Felicia: A Brobby couple with a few kinks
Nick was in bed wearing nothing more than his boxer briefs while watching Family Guy on his wall mounted TV. His body sunk into his comfy king-sized bed and his head was propped up by expensive pillows. He let out a weak belch and could still taste his wife’s delicious pumpkin pie from dinner.

Felicia went through her nightly ritual of brushing her teeth, wiping off makeup, and applying her cocoa bean body lotion. She wore her black boy-shorts and loose white shirt. She then pulled her red hair back and tied it in the back with a scrunchie. Once satisfied with her upkeep, she gently grabbed her smartphone from the bathroom counter and headed to the bedroom.

“I got a surprise for you,” Felicia smiled as she took careful steps to the bed. She held her smartphone parallel to the ground and took great care in keeping it level. She then placed the smartphone on her husband’s chest. “It’s your favorite thing in the whole wide world,” she smiled wide.

Nick looked down on the seemingly empty smartphone. Felicia grabbed the remote from Nick’s hand and then slid into bed; except she faced the opposite way from Nick, so that she was belly down with her head facing the foot of the bed, bringing her eyes closer to the TV. She then propped herself up with her elbows and started flipping channels while she bent her legs at the knee and let her bare feet sway back and forth like an upside down pendulum.

The smartphone appeared off, but it really just had a blank screen with a counter in one of the corners. Nick could see the number 50 displayed in white font.

“Is this what I think it is?” He asked his wife.

“Maybe,” Felicia found the celebrity channel. A gossip show was on and talking about a Gulliverian starlet who was famous throughout the three civilizations.

Nick concentrated on the center of the screen and could see the subtlest of black dots against the smooth glass screen. “No way!” He exclaimed in an excited voice. The counter on the smartphone changed to 48. “You got me more Lilliputians?”

“Yup,” Felicia said looking over her shoulder. “Just a little present for my honey,” she smiled.

“Oh my god, I love you so much right now babe.” His cock began to stir in his boxer briefs. “Are these Lilliputians legal or—“

“—Black market.” She said indifferently.

“Fuck yes.” Nick attempted to muffle his excitement. He was already pitching a tent in his underwear with his awakened cock. “I love you so much right now.”

“Look at you,” Felicia got on her side to better look at her husband. “So happy for little specks of dust? I swear those things are better than Viagra for you.” She giggled.

“Can’t argue with that.” Nick grabbed the smartphone by the sides and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. He then rummaged in the nightstand drawer for his expensive magnifying glass. He held it up to his eyes and examined the 48 Lilliputians huddled together, cowering under his gaze. His boxer briefs were getting annoying as his cock had run out of room to grow; Nick shimmied out of his underwear and slowly stroked himself as he got a better view of his present. “I can’t wait to have fun with you little people.”

“They’re not people, silly.” Felicia said while keeping her eyes on the TV. “They’re just Lilliputians.”
June 8, 2023
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