Nick moved his face away from his wife’s lower belly. The Lilliputians resembled little more than multicolored specks against her milky white skin and it took a lot of squinting to distinguish them from things like pores.

“What do you think I should do with them?” He asked, directing the question back toward her.

Shrugging, Felicia leaned back against the pillow, her dark red ponytail falling to one side. It looked like she was getting bored, so he decided to spice things up. Nick gently pulled down her boy shorts, revealing the gingery patch of her pubic hair. When he parted her legs and then began to lick at one of her thighs, she sat straight up again. Several more luckless Lilliputians tumbled from her abdomen, shrieking as they plummeted to the sheets far below.

“Relax,” he whispered soothingly. He knew how she felt about receiving cunnilingus; it was something that she enjoyed yet she always felt self-conscious about it. Nick didn’t mind pleasuring her in that way, especially when there were tiny helpless people involved. His cock hardened as he thought about how huge and terrifying he and Felicia must appear to them. An evil idea occurred to him and he smiled at the dots on his wife’s belly.

“Hey, everyone. I want you to go here,” Nick said to the Lilliputians, using his index finger to trace the route to Felicia’s pubic mound. “And this isn’t a request; it’s an order. I’ll squish anyone who stays behind.”

The specks, smaller than fleas, began to run again. It was like watching pepper grains slowly rolling downward over Felicia’s smooth skin. Nick tried to envision what they were seeing: his wife’s endless belly, stretching out like a flesh-colored desert; his immense face, watching them with the imperious cruelty of a god. Between his legs, his cock was throbbing almost painfully and it took all of his willpower not to come at that moment.

No, he’d save that for later. He wanted to savor this moment first.


Without a doubt, today was the worst day of Beth’s life.

The Lilliputian had planned to spend her twenty-first birthday with her friends, partying and having fun. Instead she had ended up here, in the bedroom of a gigantic couple. She had heard that Brobdingnagians were massive, but actually seeing a pair of them in person was overwhelming. At first, she had just stared up in wonderment as the giant ordered them onto the card; then, when she heard his threat, she reluctantly climbed on. As she stared up into the twin moons of his eyes, she prayed that he would be merciful and just let them go.

When the giant casually licked up the woman, Beth knew that her prayers were in vain. He planned to kill them all, she realized. Still, she clung fiercely onto the hope that she could somehow get away. Perhaps the Brobdingnagian woman would intercede on their behalf or perhaps they could somehow sneak away. The key was to do whatever the giant wanted until an opportunity to escape arose.

It turned out that what the giant wanted was for them to sprint toward another destination, like marathon runners dashing toward a finish line. Fortunately, Beth was an excellent athlete and she pumped her long legs as hard as she could, quickly outdistancing everyone else. She began to slow down, hesitating, when she reached the edge of what appeared to be a forest, complete with reddish-brown hairs the size of sequoias. The odour was what gave it away, almond-scented soap mixed with something more earthy and organic. Beth instantly knew what it was, since she had smelled it numerous times. It was the smell of a woman’s sex, except a billion times more intense than anything that she had experienced before. She didn’t want to continue, but the giant’s colossal finger hovered ominously above the area where he wanted them to go.

The others had caught up with her and they reluctantly stepped into the tangled thatch of pubic hair, the mammoth strands of hair rising up for hundreds of feet and blocking out the overhead light. If someone had asked Beth how she planned to spend her birthday, fighting her way through a living jungle wouldn’t have been on the list. For some reason, the notion struck her as absurdly funny and she began to giggle hysterically. A tall, good-looking man paused to grab her shoulder and shake it.

“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.

“It’s my birthday,” Beth told him in a serious voice and then she began to sob. The man didn’t seem to know what to do. He gave her an awkward hug as she wept against his shoulder, leaving large wet spots on his polo shirt. With an almost chivalrous gentleness, he led her forward. Beth wasn’t sure how long they trekked before they finally reached their destination; it seemed like forever and her legs ached by the time that she saw the titanic living canyon rising before her. By this point, the smell was overwhelming, a pungent odour that filled the humid air and made her gag.

“Here,” the male Brobdingnagian ordered them. Beth was seized by animal panic and her first instinct was to run, but the handsome man with the polo shirt held onto her upper arm. His expression was oddly composed, but his pale eyes were wide with fear. He said something to her; it sounded like “Come on,” but she wasn’t sure. Her head was swimming with fear and it was difficult not to just pass out. Reluctantly, they marched forward.


If he leaned very close, Nick could make out the microscopic Lilliputians as they worked their way over Felicia’s engorged outer lips and the hood of her clitoris. He had to hold his breath; he suspected that if he exhaled too hard, the speck-people would simply blow away. While that would be amusing, he had other plans in mind. Dipping his head down, he nuzzled Felicia’s inner thighs with his lips, slowly making his way upwards…toward the Lilliputians.


Beth had a terrible feeling that she knew exactly where she was. The spherical bulb of flesh that she stood on was a maroon color and hot to the touch. It glistened underneath her sneakers as she looked down. A clitoris…she was on a clitoris the size of a large building. Worse, it was evident that the giantess could feel her. Every time that she moved slightly, the Brobdingnagian woman uttered a deep, almost subsonic, moan that caused her entire body to vibrate.

Looming before her was the giant, his vast face split in a bloodchilling grin. As Beth and the others watched, his mouth opened, his white skyscraper teeth gleaming. Like something out of a feverish dream, his gargantuan tongue slipped out, licking gently at the giantess’ vagina. She had never imagined seeing a human tongue so huge; at this size, she could see the knobs of his taste buds coated with saliva.

And it was moving closer.

Beth caught a whiff of the Brobdingnagian’s warm breath, which smelled strongly of nutmeg and clove and pumpkin, as he swept his tongue toward them. Several of the other Lilliputians were either crushed into jelly beneath the reddish mass of flesh or else they were stuck to it, wailing in horror. She wanted desperately to close her eyes but her eyelids seemed paralyzed. All she could do was cower as the tongue came for her.


“Wait,” Felicia said, just before Nick reached her clitoris. He glanced up at her and swallowed whatever was in his mouth. Probably more of those Lilliputians. They were such gross little things, like lice that could talk. Still, Nick enjoyed tormenting them and she enjoyed the way that his eyes sparkled with lust. She couldn’t help but be turned on by his arousal.

“I have another idea,” she told him.
June 8, 2023
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