not fast... swallowed alive
· original author:
you think about what Ben just said. feeling the betrayal of getting eaten even if you just did as he said. your thoughts are interrupted by his stomach rumbling. and as you think about Sophia you wanna have someone at least to spend your last moments with. "can.. you swallow me?" "ofcourse. if that is what you want"

he moves you close to his lips. he gently opens them before his tongue darts out giving you a lick before he then waits no longer and places you inside slurping the rest of your legs into his mouth humming a bit. tossing you around on his slimy tongue pressing you against his cheeks and palette tasting you greatly before you feel yourself slide backward. and as you dipped down into his throat you saw briefly his lips part and seeing the outside one last time before you suddenly was sucked right down with a GULP resonating around you into the crushing grip of the troath. you could barely breathe inside getting pressed from all sides.

seconds later you drop down into a hot chamber with a splash once you hit the floor of the moving organ as liquids splashes over your body with the stomach already gurgling and rumbling and moving digesting its content. you just sat there getting moved around by the wet organ instead of fighting as you hear Sophia scream and kick around inside the pitch-black stomach. the acid quickly burned your clothes off and you feel yourself starting to burn.

outside Ben pats his stomach with a smile. knowing he just ate a person he knows and it felt so amazing that he probably will try to find others he knows to eat as tinies.. or maybe something else.
June 3, 2023