.. Took you with her and left
· original author:
"Well it looks like your little girlfriend won't be bite sized for a while yet. That means you and I get to spend more quality time together." says Lisa holding you closed to her face in her closed fist.

You look on in terror hoping she won't put you back in her ass. While she was right in the sense that it didn't hurt too much, it was almost too humiliating for you to bare.

"Tell you what slave, since you were so good and obedient in my ass this morning, I will let your ride in my boobs for a while." says Lisa, dropping you between her breasts.

With one dainty, yet to you, massive finger she pushes you further between them until only your head sticks out. You are unable to move any part of your body except your head. As Lisa starts to walk away from the bench where Tina laid knocked out, you are steadily bounced while remaining secure between her boobs as they jiggle slightly with each step. You feel even more humiliated than when you were in her ass. Now everyone can see you stuck helplessly between Lisa's boobs. While it was more comfortable physically it was far more humiliating than her ass. You realize Lisa knew very well that this was going to humiliate you even more. Despite feeling more embarrassed than you ever had in your life, you don't say a word and remain perfectly still. You figure being stuck between two massive breasts was better than being stuck inside Lisa's belly and you know that she wouldn't think twice before eating you if you made her mad.

Where does Lisa go?
June 3, 2023