Lisa pulls you out and smiles sadistically
· original author:
"You've gotta see this twerp!"

You hear Lisa say and find a bit of light pouring in your prison, followed by her fingers, which roughly pick you out and into the light. Lisa brings you to her face and you get to see Tina in her now miniscule form. She was bigger than you, sure, but tiny enough to be completely at Lisas mercy.

"Ken!" She yelled. "Are you OK?!"

This girl. Her first instinct was to be worried about you, even though she knew she'd be your size soon. Maybe even later today. After your ride in Lisa's pants you could barely muster an answer.

"Tina! I'm.. so sorry! You didn't have to do this for me!"

Lisa intervened by placing you on the bench next to Tina

"Since I'm in a good mood, I'll let you two have a quick chat before I separate you again. Aren't I such a nice girl?"
She said in a mocking, condescending tone.

"Nice girl?! You've kept Ken in your ass when you came to school?" Tina burst out in anger. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Lisa put one hand on her hip and just stared at her other hands fingernails as she casually replied

"You might wanna use this time to chat with your little boytoy. If I get bored I'll just shove him back there and leave you here all alone and walk away. I might also forget he's in there and sit down a bit too hard. You wouldn't want that would you?"

Tina was visibly shaken and slowly turned back to you.

"Are you hurt? There's so much I want to ask you and tell you! Do you have a plan to escape Lisa after... After she releases you?"

"Well I'm not actually hurt that bad. The ride was really uncomfortable and I would definitely not recommend it, but I'm actually pretty OK. At least she took me out now.."

"I can't believe you're OK though I'm really glad that you are. I-"

"Ok you two, I'm bored now!"
Lisa cut her off and swiped you off the bench. "Let's get you back in your proper place!" She smiled sadistically. "Hey Tina, say bye bye to your buddy!"

Lisa turned around and really showed off her ass to Tina, thrusting it out and leaning a bit forward. As she slowly brought you closer and closer to her behind, Tina screamed

"STOP!! Don't you dare put him in you ass again you bitch! Why can't you carry him in your bag or your hand like a normal person!?"

Lisa stopped and looked behind her right at Tina.

"First of all, bug, you don't get to tell me how I handle my little slave. If I want him between my boobs, he goes between my boobs. If I want him in my ass, he damn well goes in my ass."

She squatted down and bumped Tina with her butt, causing the poor girl to fall down.

"Second of all, I have a nice, soft, HUGE ass where he'll be kept safe, secured and most importantly: humiliated. Also, he's surprisingly comfortable in there. Feels kinda nice. Although... Maybe a bit bigger shrinky would make a better seat cushion!"

Lisa laughs and nonchalantly sits down right on top of Tina, covering almost her entire body under her derriere.

Tina squeals in pain and shock and immediately panics as she can't breath under such pressure. Lisa wiggles her butt around, making sure she has her victim buried as completely as possible.

"Well I'll be! You make a really comfy little seat Tina!" She chuckled sadistically. "I'm almost tempted to just stay here until you get small enough for me to eat you"

Lisa bounces a bit, making you wince imagining what this must feel like to Tina.

"I could have Ken as a snack and you for lunch and there's nothing you could do to stop me! Ahahaha"

After a while Lisa got up to admire her handiwork. Tina was knocked out. Lisa smiled at her victim and...
June 3, 2023