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The box was dark and somewhat cramped. You quickly fell asleep, unable to cope with the sorrow that was starting to overwhelm you.

When you awoke, you couldn't tell how much time had passed. You could tell that you were no longer in the box, as you could see it open to the side. You were lying down on a hard surface, and there was a distinct flowery smell in the air. Was that a rose nearby? Whoever opened the box and pulled you out probably owned the place that you were now at.

As you got up, you quickly realized that you were on a table, and that sitting on a large couch before you was your new owner. She had green eyes, short blond hair, and wore a white blouse with a black skirt. She inched closer to inspect her new possession, and opened up her mouth to speak.

The rest of your life could hinge on what came next...
June 3, 2023
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