Continue with your actual investigation on Pony...
You opted to continue your investigation on pony reproduction, so far, you could've stayed on the not-so-incestuous-parents-to-be but you had to consider that you kind of need an different example, Big Macintosh won't be able to concieve anymore unless you break the curse, you were meant to be some sort of punishment, eventually you gotta break it but for now, you have other ideas.

Tecnically, he'll have more even if he doesn't know it, since you have some modified yet lively samples of his genes within your aquarium and bag, some will find a way to a mare and have his foal, an very special foal. The stallion was an quite amazing breed, an champion stallion of old and his stock is not just incredibly virile but also highly moldable with magic. Another was to watch the natural union of a unmodified sperm and egg of two different ponies but look to see if you can alter the formation process of the resulting foal, add more magic potential and latent talents, twinning and more, species and tribal change, etc.

One would say that you were up to play god but that was science on the end of the day.

Besides, the whole experience from before was fun! And you'd like to repeat it. However, you need an couple or an herd..
June 2, 2023