Going back to the Stallion's Cannon.
You thought it over, thinking it might be better if to stay inside of Bic Mac's body, espedially in his reproductive system until he ruts again and maybe stay in that mare and do the same. Seems that he had some healthy sexual appetite despite doing it with his own sister, maybe it won't matter as long he gets another hole to fill and you another womb to recieve your spawns instead of his.

You hadn't forgotten your role and what you wanted to do initially but you could say that you would do this in a form of research of pony reproduction, sooner or later, you gotta allow the stallion sowing his own seeds but for now, he lost that privilege, might as well increase their short lifespan outside of the balls for the time being with an sterility curse.

Either way, you gonna be the reason why he is going to be a father.. You took flight and returned to the twitching cervix which was still wide open, allowing more of Big Mac's genes into his own siblings, it was visible his very reproductive system was still deeply hilted, throbbing and spewing more of its content but which seems that he was really pent up, sadly, this was the last time he is going to blast such virile seed inside an mare.

Forming an protective bubble of arcane energy you went toward the twitching cumslit of the massive equine penis and pushed your way inside, going throught the long fleshy canal and back toward the familiar road to his hanging testes, eventually, you returned to the pulsing epydidimis which was almost completely, devoid of the large reproductive content that it used to have, instead, you were met with an large quantity of holes which you suspected to bring the twitching tubules that goes even deeper into the organ proper.

You smirked and began to plan on what to do.

The stallion had no idea that you gonna to turn his hanging proof of malehood into your workshop, maybe an genetical laboratory so you could do some alteration of his reproductive genes and further your biomancy studies but for now, it only be your staging to get launched into any potential mate and have your progeny instead of his and if it were to allow it, it will because you made some modification to his genes.

You began to cast your sterility curse, it was an low key curse so it won't be noticed, it was meant to have him his swimmers meet their demise sooner after ejaculating. You formed an dark purple sphere of pure energy as part of the spell, contained the curse, and hurled it down to the flesh and got absorbed by it. You did the same thing on the other testis. The testicles pulsed and throbbed a bit before calming down, you smirked seeing your job done.

You began to make your workshop after seeing the deed done and ready to wait for he began to rut again..
June 2, 2023