Pony Genetics
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Examining what you could out of Big McIntosh's genetic make up, you can tell that he comes from a seriously strong family. The fact that they make a living by kicking trees all day was certainly evident enough on that. They are pretty virile too. It makes you wonder if Earth Ponies have the highest potency as far as reproduction. It would make sense considering how many more of them there are rather than unicorns or pegasi.

Looking a bit further, you can't help but smile a little smugly. Seems the Apples don't fall far from the family tree, as it were. This farm has had a lot more inbreeding than outbreeding. At least they seem relatively healthy and strong, for now.

"Hey, 'old up! Looks like sumthin's wrong." a voice outside of Big Mac said. Applejack was approaching behind her brother, giving that heavy ballsack a nudge with her nose. "Bruise yer applebasket buckin'?"

"Nnn-nope." Big Mac responded, though he seemed to enjoy the orange mare nuzzling his nuts, sighing happily.

The squirming sperm all around you seemed to get more and more agitated as things were heating up within the testes. You weren't exactly sure what was going on, deciding to use some astral projection to view outside of Big Mac's scrotum to see what was going on.
June 2, 2023
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