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You decend even more with more while forming a bubble of arcane energy and began to immerse into the reproductive goo, you chuckle upon seeing the small tadpoles swarming you, poking your shield believing to be egg cell, other jsut moved around you.

With another quick spell, you began to to form circles of arcane magic on your hands, runes and other glyphs forming on your hands and made a final spell, this time, it bath all the sperms cell in the teste with your magic and another window of magic opens for you revealing the information of the stallion's genes, you did the same spell using the bubble as a archon, sending a beam of pure arcane energy into upward, impacting into the testicular flesh, eventually the energy would be go into the other testicle as well.

outside, The Red stallion felt weird on his lower half, mainly on his family jewels, he stop moving the cart full of apples as her sister, Applejack took notice of this.

"What's wrong, uh?"

"Nuthin'" He said quickly no sure how to respond to her sister about the weird feeling, she raised a eyebrown at this.

"Are ya sure?" She asked as she approach.

"Eeyup" He said and began to pull the cart full apples again, to the more... invasive individual that would look at the stallion's behinds, one would could see that his "package" has a faint blue-purpleish glow.

Inside of his testes, You scrying spell is finishing the result and when you looked at the arcane screen to see the results of your spell
June 2, 2023
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