A mature mare who lives in town
You opted for an moe mature and experienced mare when coming to get your children, at least, for now. While Applejack was not a mother, she hold enough to experiences to raise your spawn and a partner to help her raise it but doing it with all the others Element Bearing mares would cause suspicious, not to mention that one is a princess and that was a no-no and so you opted for a more different approach, on the matter, while it does excited you the prospect of leaving your offsprings around, you also wanted see that, despite the compatibility between both species, see if human form of magic could be manifested in ponies and hopefully, viceversa in the future or if both form of magic combine into something far more.

There are no many human-pony offsprings, in fact, it was too low that can be counted with an single hand and but it can summed that their potential was far more greater than normal human and ponies but no much studies weren't made as unwillingness of the parents to have mages and unicorns to study their children like if they were lab rats and they leave it be.

You, however, have no limits on that, for you were an different kind of sorcerer... although it was more of the excitement on leaving your descendants around on unsuspecting mares and that was, more or less, an excuse to go around. You know what you were doing was pretty much illegal by human standards in the Last City but frankly, you quite doesn't know much around Equestrians as for they're far more... sexually open, the fact that incest didn't seem to repulse both siblings tells alot but are well aware of the consequences.

Either way, you returned to the point from where you came, the cervix had dilated enough to let lots of Big Mac's wiggling and lively genes into his sister's already taken womb but there was no more coming inside, in fact, light and fresh air seemed to come into the womb which led you to believe the stallion had dismounted, you grin on this as you had your bubble again and began to use the flying spell on you again and passed through the shrinking hole of the cervix, barely going out and into the stretched and pulsing foal canal before the cervix and the womb seal itself shut for the incoming months.

You rushed out of the vulva which was closing, becoming of hat it used to be before the incestuous mating, once outside, you looked that Applejack and Big Mac were walking together toward the barn, pulling carts filled with their harvest of today.

You however, payed no mind to the future "incestuous" parents and went toward the town proper, Ponyville. You grow back to your original size as soon you got out of the farm and casted an invisibility spell on you and walked on to find the lucky mother for your next offspring. It was an smallish town so there weren't that many option as you came into an busy street.

You looked around. Looking on Mares with foals were odvious plan to go, possibly using their husband and herdmates or simply 'lucky' guys as Troyan Horse (No pun intended) to legitimize more the deed, just like before but of course, you also liked going in direct before their mates even touch them but suspicious will arise..

You smiled as you saw one you were looking for...

Who it is?
June 2, 2023