You had plans involving to do with the rest of the elemental bearers of harmony, especially starting with the Bearer of generosity, you got a plan to do it with each element wearer, see how if their Elemental Powers could be inherited to offsprings, especially human ones. Maybe this was an excuse to do it to with celebrities and heroines and honestly, you had already started with Applejack and might as well going from there.

So you waited by the cervix of the Apple mare until he stallion dismounted, no longer blocking the passageway, you made an quick dash by flying and following with the titanic phallus until you were finally outside, you fly far away from the future parents of the child they will soon believe is theirs. You going to return to her, eventually but for now, you had plans involving orange mare's friends

Once you were out of range from them and the farm, you finally grew back but used an invisibility spell, you walked toward the town or rather aro, surrounding the buildings and the populous until you find the building you were looking for; Carousel Boutique.

You knew the location, the town wasn't that big, then again, this was just the bulk of it as here were far more buildings on the surrounding areas. However, that's not important now, you began to ponder how to approach the situation right now. You...
June 2, 2023