"He might be a stallion but could be pretty cool to study the stallion bits before going into a Mare's body" You said to yourself, deciding that going into the original plan was pretty perfect now since you were too small to be detected or felt by their sensorial organs.

Flying foward to the now moon sized testicles, you started to orbit around them, the speed using this spell was unreal but also pretty neat, you started to by this until you got under the stallion, getting sight of his massive sheath, you flew toward it only tobe embracved the salty and musky scent, you made a quick spell to filter out of the smell on the air around you

Entering the saggy flesh you flew inward until you got a look of the titanic unerected stallionhood.

"wow... so this is why he is called "Big" Mac, you said in you little joke" you inspected it, looking for the entrance, the urethra, though it was mostly admiring it the sight (which sounded rather strange in your words) since the entrance was over there and looked pretty massive mostly like a gargantuan cannon at your perspective.

"Here I go"
June 2, 2023
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