More Questions [REVISED]
You had your questions about... virtually everything, why the departments are so fixated about competitions instead of mutual cooperation. They are more like rivals, enemies perhaps? Dash say that it caused imbalance to her stamina.

"Ok," you started, "While I was in Big Mac, his body was almost like a living city. Rather than a body with each organs acting like facilities, living apartments and so on. Here in Rainbow Dash, it's like another world entirely, I mean, Big Mac doesn't have this kind of city or even inhabitants! Yes, I saw some cells that looks like him but not in populated areas like this functioning city. Are there more cities like Dashville in here?"

She seem to ponder in what you asked her. "Yes... there is Teatbeach, as you can guess, it's in Rainbow's teats. It's a beautiful vacation town where everycell can enjoy drinking and swim of our master's milk. It's nutritious and delicious, especially during her season. Livertown is in the liver, obviously. It is mostly a working town where most of the cell-ponies there are involved in the creation of new enzymes for the stomach, sugar's mining, and the creation of other chemicals to maintain the body. There is El Pulmon, which is in the lungs, where you can enjoy gambling, shopping and the wild nightlife, and where the Rainbow Corps live. And finally, there is the Head City, all the departments are there, also where the Dash Council is based. There is a rumor that our own master knows about us and have an avatar of her acting as queen.. but that's only a rumor and I find a quite silly if you ask me. There are other small towns all across Rainbow's body, for example we missed one that was in the womb's tubes, Foaltown, they have evacuated I think."

"Intriguing... what about the Dashes cells here, are all like the real dash?" you asked. Dash looked at you unamused, in fact, a little insulted.

"What? Is there something wrong?" you asked.

"Do I look like an arrogant, brash, hotheaded fool that goes around seeking every opportunity for cheap greatness?" she snapped.

"No no...I'm sorry if I offended you and-"

"Nah, it's okay... actually, that's a really common question from foreign cells that lives in our master's body. Sorry if I snapped; every cells in here gets a little affected by the 'master.' As for your question about the personalities of the cells, each Rainbow Cell have a very different and unique personality, some changed their coat to another color and even adopt new names but in order to still be Rainbow Cell, you at least need to leave your mane multicolored," she answered while you nodded.

"That brings to mind another question: what do most of the foreign cells do in here? I presume that most of the works in here are already occupied by the Rainbow Cells."

"That's easy. They are given the right to live in Dash's body under the condition that they do not cause any harm to it or any other cells. They will be placed under the constant watch of the White Cells to root out any viruses or beings that intend to wreak havocs. Any violations of the terms would mean arrest and interrogation by the Rainbow Corps and sentence varying from lengthy community services in the Colon to outright expulsion. As for the jobs they do, the foreign cells have the opportunity to join any of the work associations in all parts of the body or participate in the various departments as advisers. Though, for obvious reasons, 'Leading Adviser' is the highest position they can attain."

"With all this economic activities going on, is there some kind of currency system used in here?"

"There is the Dashcoin which is basically the same thing as the Equestrian bits. Yeah, I know how unoriginal that name is. But don't blame me, tell that to the Dash Council. They're the one calling the crappy shots around here. I just happen to read a lot about the outside world."

"Fascinating , but the million-bits (or Dashcoin) question remains unanswered: why won't the departments cooperate with each other? It's really counterproductive and a threat to the integrity of Rainbow Dash if you ask me."

"No pony knows when the rivalry started. Some said that it's because of Rainbow Dash personalities, who are the owners of each department are in a very complicate relationship, Anger, lust, Love, Happiness, Pride, intelligence. All of the Personalities blame each other for lacking Common Sense. Since then, they don't get along well. As a consequence of this, each department's cells developed a dislike of their rivals over the years, they have become unstable and are affecting our master herself."

"That explains Rainbow's constant erratic behavior and mood swings. It absolutely made her a trainwreck of a pony at times if the rumors flying around Ponyville are to be believed. There must be some ways I can help," you said, There has to be some ways to improve Dash's performance.

"Unfortunately no. As I told you before, they won't listen to you. They won't even listen to my complaints for goodness sake. You're just another weak outsider in their eyes and if you provoke them, the worst thing that will happen to you is being condemned to the Intestines Prison, bladder expulsion, or worse, the stomach execution lake, or exile through estrus activities. "

"Is it possible to talk with one of them, or at least convince a small minority about their shortcomings?" you asked.

"Maybe... Lust Dash and Love Dash. The "Sister" are the only one that have a good relationship, they own the Estrus and Love Departments as well "Fantasy Fulfillment. They usually go to Teatbeach for vacation to escape the usually stressful brain office. Love Dash is dating Shy Dash, while Lust have her hooves on Anger and Pride. Intelligence, happiness and Sadness are at odds with the sisters but you can start with them, they "enjoy" meeting new cells" she finished, I hope this new information clears up a lot of things. All you need to do is to talk with them and convince the other personalities to work together, that's will probably change the views of the departments at each other.

That's some good news.

"But don't count too much on that. Lust and Love can be a little imposing and arrogant at times. But if you stay on their good sides, you're generally safe."

You nodded in acknowledgment. An abrupt growl from your stomach made you blush as Dash giggled like a filly while rolling on the floor.

"You must be starving right now. That reminds me, I'm eating out today at my favorite restaurant, my treat. Rainbow Dash is probably still napping and having whatever weird stuffs the Dreams Entertainment is playing for her. It'll be hours before she wakes up and cell activities increase. Let's use this time to get the best at the restaurant. It'll get real crowded at regular time."

Dash headed for the exit.

"Hey wait up there, Dash. Where exactly are we going? Back at The Rainboom?" you ask

"Nope. We're going to Brae's Waterhole."
June 2, 2023
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