Rainbow's Dance
· original author:
The multi-colored curtains lifted to reveal Rainbow Dash herself in a more suggestive version of the Wonderbolts' uniform. The blue spandex suit fits snugly to her solid body, an aerodynamic design to increase the efficiency in flight. The back portion of the uniform has been cut away in order to reveal her well-toned muscles and her rounded flank. She's exactly the athletic and proud Wonderbolt recruit that everyone who met her described her as. Unfortunately, those ponies and humans have no idea that their favorite idol also has a shadier side when it comes to her heat. The pony seems to notice the attention you're giving her and batted her eyes slowly at you. You are so stunned at her beauty that you momentarily forgot how you got here and the fact that you're restrained by some tentacles. If it weren't for the fact that you got here unwillingly, you'd enjoy the most of this 'show.' I'd hate to admit this but Dash sure is beautiful, you thought, Wait... Damn it! Get yourself together! Now is not the time to let my mind take its course. I gotta figure a way to get out this place before Dash makes me her first human target. The feeling of the restraints tightening around your waist that brought your attention back to the present. The pain forced your eyes to return to the stage where a platform lifted Rainbow Dash onto the higher level of the stage. She gave you a mischievous wink before donning her flight goggles. The lights around the bar dimmed to the color of faint ember as limelight on the stage focused on Dash's little dance. This is gonna get really bad...

Slow tempo-ed kinky music wafted toward your ears from the ceiling as the pegasus suggestively danced upon an artificial cloud prop. The pony rubbed her flank against the surface of it causing miniature lightnings and thunders to form against her flank. It's apparent that the lightning is electrocuting her in the place she wants, if the pleasurable on her face is any indication. The electricity had the effect of temporarily straightening her messy mane as she groaned suggestively. Dash intensified the speed of her rubbing. Her moaning grew deeper and fast until a loud thunder finally cracked and the miniature cloud unleashed torrential rains unto the stage. The sound Dash made sends shivers done your spine as dozens of questions are running through your head. What... the buck did I just see? How is it even possible for a pegasus to pleasure herself with a cloud? Don't lightnings kill? And did she actually DO that on random clouds in Ponyville? The next time it rains, you really hope that what's raining down from above is actually water and not something else entirely. This really proves your former teacher's adage that some things are better left unknown.

After that part, the mare spread her wings and took off into the air. Dash started performing her own style of aerobatic flying around the stage. Many of the moves are ones you are familiar with from the countless "Wonderbolts Equestrian Tour" you had seen when your younger. It brought back some good memories from the depths of your mind. The one Dash is performing for you has more 'fancy' additions to it like flashing her privates at you, making out the contour of a heart with her rainbow trail, and pyrotechnics added for a good measure of drama. You don't know why but the way Dash is dancing is starting to have an effect on you. The complex mix of emotions you are feeling started to unsettle you. You seriously wanted to take your eyes off the show before you but you can't. There's so much internal conflict going on. A part of you is afraid of what will happen next. Yet another part seems to anticipate or even like it. It's literally fear clashing with your innermost want. Within a few minutes, Rainbow Dash ended the show with a sonic rainboom as she dropped down right in front of you. Her wings flared wide open as her rose-colored eyes focused on you.

"Hi, there," Dash said gently, "Welcome to "The Rainboom" where all sorts of needs get fulfilled. I'm Rainbow Dash but you probably already knew that."

You are wordless as the mare continued talking with her trademark smirk.

"We don't usually get human guests in here! What can I do for you, little guy?"


"Come on," Dash dragged impatiently, "There gotta be something you could asked the favor of...Right, perhaps I need to loosen up the tentacles to make you more comfortable."

You felt the tentacles on you limbs and waist loosening and dissolving away back into the walls. You shot a glare at Rainbow Dash.


"Oh thank goodness... Rainbow, what the buck were you thinking! You almost strangled me in that... passionate display of your techniques," you said with a hint of frustration, "Care to explain about that little thing?"

"Well...What did you expect? This is a Stallion's Club! I was just trying to show you some of my awesome moves here. If you want to take it a step further, I could gladly accommodate that. Never thought that I would perform to a human though," Dash said as matter-of-factly.

"Hey! I never asked that you tie me up and watch you act. And just to get the message through: I'm not interested in this at all."

"Then why are you here then? You don't just walk in here without knowing what's gonna happen?" Dash asked as she crossed her arms, "And that also raises the question, who are exactly and what's your purpose here? You aren't a changeling, are you?

Dash narrowed her eyes at you in suspicion.

"No. I'm a mage and I...I was accidentally sent in here when you, or the real you, is have your little "fun time" with Big Mac.," you said as you glared daggers.

"That only partly answered my question," Dash commented, "But what in the hay are you doing in him?"

"I was experimenting with my shrinking spell and I was living with Big Mac to understand a little more about pony anatomy. He was telling me about your heat-driven exploits on him when you came and did your thing. Look at what you did to the poor stallion. He'll probably hide in the barn for weeks because of you," you exclaimed.

"Oh...Everything has been getting worse for her these few months. This isn't entirely my fault," Dash said with a tinge of sadness.

"Not your fault? How could you say that screwing Big Mac is not your fault?!"

"Look, human...," the pegasus said affirmatively, "I may look like Rainbow Dash but I'm not actually her. I am one of the many cells that sustain the pony herself. For some reasons, we are all identical to her, save for the fact that there are also male versions of her lurking around. We are all divided into sections and assigned different duties around the body. I happened to be in the "Fantasy Fulfillment" department, charged with intensifying whatever kinky thoughts she might have. If Dash has been acting real weird lately, you should bring the issue to the guys and gals at the "Estrus Management" and "Self-Control" Department. If they won't help you, get the "Flight" Department to help you out by disabling her wings."

Does this pony has more department than the Canterlot bureaucracy?, you thought.

"How do I verify if this is true, Rainbow, if I may call you that? The departments sounds awfully uncooperative if you ask me."

"It's even worse. The department are extremely competitive with one another for recognition as the best. They just can't seem to agree on one goal for the future. It causes imbalances in Dash's stamina. For example, she's sometimes more active than Pinkie Pie on sugar. At other time, she's sleeping off for days at times. As for her recent heat problem, I figure it might be something similar going on there. I brought the issue of non-cooperation to the heads of various department. But they all write me off as weak, non-competitive, and most likely to have her flanks kicked in the face of danger. I guess I'm the only dissenting voice in this whole body."

"Is there anyway I can help?"

"You can try if you want, but I don't think it's gonna change things much. The other cells rejected my complaints. What makes you think that they will listen to an 'outsider' human? They'll call the "White Cells" squad to get you...Okay, I'll be off my work shift in ten minutes. Maybe I could take you to my place in Dashville to get things worked out. The town's only a few tunnels up the spine."

"There's a town in here?" you gasped.

"Yup. And a beautiful one at that. Friendly ponies and loving families everywhere. All copies of Rainbow Dash. You'll fall in love with it at the first sight. I promise you!"

"You gotta be kidding me..."
June 2, 2023
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