A very unexpected place.
Suddenly the elevator stop in the middle of the trip, You and Luna were quite.. confused why it stopped, you both looked at the Chibi!Princess who looked thoughtful, Twilight was still on unresponsive.

"You know, I think we shouldn't go to the Womb area at least not for now." Celly says.

"Uh? Why?" You asked on confusion was there was a change of plans?

"Because I just remembered one thing I simply forgot." Celly then let a huge grin, almost manic. "Can't believe it slipped out my mind, It gonna be soo much fun!"

Her horn glows and a new button was added into the control, it was simply labeled as "Test" and she pressed it, hard. the elevator continues but faster now, descending deeper now

"What is that "Test" area?

"Guess it~!" Celly says in a sing-song tone.

"A-an test organ?" Twilight asked for the first time, her voice on edge daring that that some shred of her little picture on how her perfect disciplined teacher.

"Nope!" That declaration ended turning that picture into dust

"Sorry, I don't know." Celly giggled when Luna said that.

"Those organs are rounds, twins but always together and producing, promising new life but only delivers when pleasure is on its peak." She says mysteriously like a riddle then giggled like a filly. Both Luna and You were looking at each other and thought hard about it but Twilight's eyes seemed to widen and twitch, She blushes and only muttered one word.

"Testicles." Twilight muttered the words, Making you both go gape and looked with wide eyes on shock and surprise to Celly smiling smugly "How..."

"I never thought you'll become willingly a herm, Sister." Luna muses "What made you get a stallionhood?"

"Y-yea, I'm curious myself." You said and now everyone looked at you with weird looks but Celly was more of amusement. "That's not what I meant!" You raised your voice.

"Well you'll see when we get there, like now!" The Elevator stop and the gates/flaps opened revealing your now destination.
June 2, 2023
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