The Heart and Blueblood's Prison
The trek toward the heart was uneventful at best except for the constant strong beat from the heart itself seemed to getting close with each beating. you began a conversation.

"Wow, sure the heart is big too, these are very strong heartbeats" You said with hint of surprise, this went noticed by both alicorns. Celly answer.

"Well, yes, that's depending of the pony's size, for example Twilight have the size of a normal pony her heart is the size of, to put it simple, grow up human's fist, but in Celestia or Luna size is the size of a pony or human's head!" Your eyes went wide again in suprise, hearing that simple explanation.

"Big as a human head?" you ask. this time it was twilight's time to answer.

"The heart of the princess need to be bigger for the magic conversion in the Magic Factory, similar to a horse, the heart is more rounder and heavier than a standard pony, you will see why." said the young princess.

"We are here!" said Celly, there was a small corridor and a giant door guarded by two white alicorns with heavy gold armor, both of them seems to be "clones" of celestia herself but with the same emotionless or "stone" expression of the Royal Guard, kinda funny seeing the princess like that but worry you a little.

"Oh, these are the "Royal White Cells"" Celly giggle a little at your dumbstuck expression. "we transformed our white cells in this particular area to protect the heart from special danger." she finished, until the guards block the doors.

"halt! state your business" one of the guard said with celestia's voice.

"We are here for the tour of the heart, fair guard, there is nothing to worry about." Said Celly both guard look each other before looking on you two, they both nodded and open the door.

"You may pass, but don't get closer to the Heart's prison for your safetly." Celly and Twilight nodded but you got confused about the prison.

"There is a prison? no, better question, there is prisoners here? in the heart of the most important pony in the world?!" you almost shouted. drawing attention of the guards as well. Twilight's laught nervously before telling the guards that everything was alright, she turned to you.

"Well, there are two reasons why the Princess' heart is important; one is the heart itself no only pump the blood to mantain her alive, is also transform the magical essence absorbed by the lungs' alveolar sacs, as explained early, with our lungs we absorb magic from the environment, however the magic stored in our bodies affect most of our organs, specially the heart. For unicorns, their heart its completely hard like a rock but for alicorns is almost hard as diamond, that's lead the second reason; this hardness make the heart the perfect place to protect or imprison, there are two buildings inside the heart, one is the magic factory and the other the most secure prison of all Equestria." You nodded at twilight dumbstruck by the explanation. you two enter to the gates as the guards close it.

"Wow... Amazing" you three entered in a tunnel, the walls' membranes working as windows to look inside the heart almost like an aquarium, the heart's big as canterlot's palace, but rounded and pumping blood in and out of valves, gateways and other tunnels, there are two building visible at the inner walls of the heart, one has a huge orb core glowing in gold in the center, the building has mutiples gates for the blood to enter while others are expulsing it with another golden substance in the mix, the Magic Factory? you though.

The other building was surrounded by multiples white submarines and guards in diving suits, it was visible other guards inside of the building patroling.

"Wait! its a mistake! I regret saying that, please auntie don't leave in this horrid place, please, AIEE!! My mane!" You all Three heard a whining voice behind, it turn out to be blueblood himself being dragged by Two Guards toward the tunnel's prison but before enter he looked at you, his face of horror turned to anger as he liberate himself from the guards' grasp chargin at you.

"YOU! You and your species are to blame! Thanks to your race I'm no longer prince!" he charge on you with horn pointed in you but you were prepared, your arms glow channeling your magic.

"Oh no you don't, vulneribus!" you mutter as suddenly the former prince is trapped inside a energy cube with no way out.

"No! NO!!" he yells as some guards grabs the cube with magic this time, there as huge "NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo!" as the Tunnel's open, welcome him the promising horrors inside the guarded part of the heart.

"That was incredible, what spell is that?" Twilight looked at you with stars in her eyes, she never seen a human magic before just in books or in lesser forms.

"Is just a simple containing spell, nothing fancy or powerful, it will wear off in time without more magic to sustain it."

"I must say that was a suprising your reaction, mage, that horn was sharp and aimed to your heart." an female voice very different from Celly or Twilight or even celestia talked behind you, your turned around only to see only Princess Luna herself in all her glory.

"Princess Luna!" Both the three of you bow at her, Luna chuckled seeing two princess (or a princess and avatar of one) bowing. "you two don't need to bow to me, you are princess, Twilight, and Celly... You why bow to me?" The Avatar alicorn giggle, Luna rolls her eyes "Nevermind, You may rise Mage." you do as ordened.

"Princess, nothing bad and all but, why and how are you doing here? normaly you sleep in day and you work in the night, I saw you very tired in the morning." You said with curiosity, it was true after all.

"Indeed you're right, Mage, this is no the real me, my body is resting in my bedroom but I placed my conscious in very small avatar to visit my dark side here. I'll been doing this each weekend."

"Your darkside?" said twilight confused when suddenly she gasped "You mean Nightmare Moon?! I though the elements eliminated her from you!" You and Twilight were suprised and shocked except Celly, Luna sigh before explaining,

"After you and your friends used the elements to rescue me from her I was not completely free. Nightmare Moon wasn't utterly gone just retreated back to my mind, my sister knowing this offered herself to safeguard my darkness, at first I denied her but after hearing her ways to deal with her, I let her guard my dark persona, however, After visiting my darkside for sometimes, I discover that isn't a evil spirit but an jealous spirit, since then, me and my sister are trying to turn her to a good spirit but she still refuse, I wasn't expecting you to found in my sister's heart, after you tour in the heart, I can accompany you but for a while, this body will disappear and my mind will come back to my original body within two hours, maybe a little visit to the liver, is a short walk from here there is the good place... a very FUN place" she said almost squealing.

You look at her oddily until Celly whisper to you "The Liver is where the Game Zone is, she is a hardcore gamer" You drop you jaw after hearing this, it seems that the "Gamer" Luna rumor is true... she isn't the same MoonMaster24 you added as friend in steam? you shrugged in thought, the trio go to the Magic factory while Luna go the heart's prison to visit Nightmare Moon.
June 2, 2023
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