the trek toward the ovaries was a very interesting one, thanks to immensity of the princess's womb, there was an tramcar that goes to each fallopain tubes, the tram goes to the left one you could see the tunnel-like oviduct full of hair-like cilia, millions of them to be precise, the tramcar enter into a spherical wall, hangar-like doors twice as big as the tramcar welcoming vehicle the group are in.

When the Tram's stop, Celly call you all for the Left Ovary Tour.

"Welcome to Celestia's Left Ovary, the Genetic Collector!" she exclaim proudly, you look arround only to notice a massive facility-like estruture, the "computers" are the same eggs that the ovary produce, there are tubes and "eggs" filled with liquid like the bladder's refinery. you notice that Celly was about to speak but was interrupted by Twilight.

"Wow, the Last time I was this ovary wasn't a Collector but a refinery like the bladder." she say, You could see that Luna has the same confused face that's until Celly cought to gain their attention.

"It was a refinery before but everything change, I'm using this ovary for a... special project. before the change I used this ovary for special chemicals during estrus cicle, this ovary was used to create the "scent", bassically the pheromones to attract stallions, normaly during these weeks I asemble a royal harem but I also it affect me and sometimes making me... well very kinky, thanks to this I got the nickname of Princess Molestia... kinda true but ponies and people tend to exagerate" she said, then she signal you three to move deeper in the ovary, you entering into a corridor the windows show more of celestia's eggs forming but they have tubes and cables pumping in and out multiples liquids and chemicals.

"Ah, we here!" they all stood in front of a door, next to said door was a "computer" screen in black.

"This is the collector room, and a very special one, only me and the mage are going to enter this room." Said Celly, this confused you and shocked Twilight and Luna, the Lavander Alicorn was almost in a breaking point while Luna have a deep shade of red covering her face.

"Why they can't enter?" you ask with curiosity.

"YES! why?!" asked Twilight almost yelling, sanity depleting fast thanks to everything she learned about her mentor.

"Y-yes sister, why we can't?" said luna almost shyly like a certian yellow pegasus with pink mane.

"Well, there is something only the mage and I can do, is a... very interesting secret, don't worry you will heard us quite fine!" Celly say Cheerfully.

"Don't worry princesses I'll be back shortly." you say with a smile, the doors open as you two enter into the room.

when you and her enter and doors close, Luna and Twilight were in deep-thought, Luna because she knew what lies behind the doors and Twilight... well let's just say that she was recovering slowy thanks to cadence technique.

"They will do... why I believe they'll do?" Asked the young alicorn of magic to Luna, much to twilight delight, she shook her head.

"No, Twilight, she won't mate with him, she prefer to "do it" in her room with sound-proof spell." Twilight sigh in relief.


The Room itself was very unexpected and when I say unexpected I say that there is a queen-sized fleshy bed in the center, beneath said bed, there's mutiples tubes and cables connected to it.

"eh... What is this?" you ask confused with a hint of fear and unsecurity, soon you heard magic being used then you clothes disappeared, leaving you completely naked, you see celly transform back into Celestia, her eyes have look of lust in them and sultry smile appear in her muzzle.

"Now the next part is my favorite... "extracting" genetic material" she said with lust in her voice, she come close to you like a predator nearing its prey.

"P-princess!?" you are now terrified but excited down there, as she pounce at you. promising a good time...


Outside of the room, sounds of pleasure and delighful moaning can be heard, Twiliht stare in debelief at luna who laught nervously while containing her blush.

"You said that she prefer to do it in her room with sound-proof spell! they are DO IT right now and WITHOUT IT!!" she almost shouted her eyes twiching and her mane unkempt.

"well, In my defence, He's no rutting my sister but an avatar of her, basically is like masturbating using a magical construct"

"OH YES, RIGHT THERE!" they both hear the voice of celestia shouting in delight, much to twilight's dismay and Luna's vivid imagination. Twilight start to glare daggers at Luna as she smiled awkwardly. if looks could kill luna would be dead by now.

"Masturbating using a magical Construct!?!"

"well, very advanced magical construct." Luna replied

"Princess. I'm gonna-" they heard your voice before being interrupted.

"GIVE IT TO ME, INSIDE!" they heard Celestia shouting before moaning in pleasure, Twilight couldn't take it anymore and she faint, Luna's chuckled at Twilight's misfortune, few minutes the doors open as you exited of the door, revealing you tired and drained form, luna notice this and use rejuvenative spell at you, you thank her but you notice Twilight in the floor, She say with a blush that it was too much for young alicorn. you blush as well.

"Ahh! That was the best thing ever!" said Celestia turned back into Celly, with a very satisfied smile in her face. "look in the screen, you will see why I... had my way with you." She said smirking while winking at you, you blush more at the memory.

Luna and You notice that the screen was now active showing your ADN and your millions of sperm cells in the screen being absorbed by spherical "eggs", you ask what is happening, she smile.

"I just extrated your genetic material and "deposite" it in the processing tube, your genetic material in now stored here for the final step, consider it a great honor mage because of you my project is complete!" she said cheerfully while bouncing around like a certain pink mare

"We are going to the Right Ovary where my project, a very careful modified egg is store there, ready for the next estrus to happen, you see as I said before this Project is called "Alicorn Heir" for many years I had many suitors, but I never gave birth a foal because of fear that my child might turn out like blueblood and second, ponies become alicorns in ceremonies and magical rituals but there aren't records of Alicorn conception and birth that's why I began this secret project... and you mage showed me something and I wanted to do this with you, I don't know maybe we can repeat this... outside, in my room, during my estrus week" she wink at you.

"T-Talking about Estrus, y-you never explained it" you said shyly, still blushing strongly, Celly chuckled as luna giggled with a faint hue in her face.

"I will talk about it during our trek to the ovary laboratory a warning, don't stay near the egg I will explain why and Luna?"

"Yes, sister?" she said.

"Please, wake twilight, I need her for this." she said as Luna Rolled her eyes and lift the unconscious alicorn with her magic and returning to the tram.


Outside in the throne room in canterlot's palace, Celestia is in court recieving many nobles and other citizens requesting, complaining and such, it was tiring and stressful but she manage to put a good mask of calmess, she sigh, she recieved the memories of her avatar, she blush a little but smiled that everything is going acording to the project's plan, however a unicorn guard messenger appears, bearing alarming news.

"Princess, Princess message from the Gryphon King!" say the stallion, she raise a eyebrown.

"a messange? what it say?" she ask as the stallion bring the scroll to her, she reads and her eyes widen in suprise.

Oh no, the meeting is in three days? I thought we agreed for the next week! I need to prepare to depart tomorrow morning! I need to tell Twilight, the mage and Luna. I trust Twilight will do well for you. she smile to the guard.

"Thank you, guard, return to your post."
June 2, 2023
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