strange visitors
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As Tails activates the laser he begins to notice everything slowing down, he also notices a portal of some sort appear in the wall & a boy wearing a clook and a necklace designed like a clock steps out of it. "who are you?" He asks wanting to know what happened, "I'll explain later, just know I'm helping you out of this jam."

Without another word the strange boy snaps his fingers and disappears leaving Cream & the resized ship where he ounce stood. Before either of them can say anything a loud clang brings their atention to the window. They can only look on in shock & awe as they see the boy from earlier but not just him next to him is a black furred fox with two tails & blue markings, "Alright bud, let's bring that psycho to justice!" The boy shouts as he flings what looks like eggman's base into the air.

As if they were in perfect sync right after the base is flung the fox let's out a energy blast and fires it at the base but not before the boy catches eggman trying to sneak off & knocks him out.

Tails breaths a sigh of relief as he feels the pressure in his rectum leave him, he thinks to himself "I owe those two so much for saving my butt from that predicament (Literally) but who are they, why'd they help me & can I even trust them?" He waves that thought off momentarily as the boy & fox come back into his house. "Guess I've got some explaining to do, eh?" The boy says with a chuckle as tails nods his head. The boy takes a moment to have a mintel discussion with his fox friend before both of them nod, "well I guess I'll start with..."
June 2, 2023
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