Back Into the Womb For Cream
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“Well why don’t start from scratch with her?”. Vanilla confused asks, “What do you mean by that?”. Tails then explains, “I mean I take Cream with me in my ship and travel into your womb. There I take her to one of your eggs and she gets absorbed by it along with some of my dna and she will became our baby girl this time”. Vanilla was pretty concerned by this plan but she thought it pretty exciting to have Cream growing inside her belly again. “Shouldn’t we tell Cream about this? I mean out of everyone here she will be the one most affected by this plan”. Tails replies, “Of course. I’m not gonna force her into this and we’ll think of something else. Vanilla agreed.

Luckily they didn’t have to wait long as they hear Tails’ front door open and hear a familiar voice. “Tails? Hello? Are you here? I’m looking for my mama and she isn’t home. Have you seen her”. Vanilla responded, “I’m in here baby. I’m with Tails”. Cream was a little confused since the voice sounded a little lighter but had the same tone as her mother. She went into to the living room to find both Tails and a younger looking version of her mother almost mistaking her as a stranger. “Mom?”. “Yes sweetie. Come sit. I have something important to tell you”. Cream did as she was told and sat on a chair across from there. “What’s wrong momma?”. Vanilla replies, “Actually it’s something happy for me Cream”. She takes a deep breath then placed a hand on Tails’. “Tails and I decide to spend our lives together as lovers”. Cream quickly asked, “Does that mean that Tails will be my daddy now?”. Vanilla continues, “Yes, but we started to start over with you in being our daughter”. Cream was confused by what that meant but kept listening. “You remember how you and Tails went inside my womb to help me have more brothers and sisters for you?”. Cream nodded. “Well, you two are going to have the same trip but Tails is going to help you get into an egg and you will be my baby once more. Or should I say, my and Tails’ baby. So what do you say Cream? You can say no if you don’t like that idea”.

Cream jumped off the chair and then hopped over hugging both Tails and her mother before giving her answer. “I don’t mind that. I’m happy to see you and Tails are going to be happy together. Tails and Vanilla hugged her back. Cream then says, I just ask for one thing”. They pull her back to face her and ask, “What is that sweetie?”. Cream’s reply, “Make sure you give me lots of brothers and sister to be in their with me and play when I’m born again”. Vanilla giggled and answers, “You got it sweetheart”. Tails was shocked to hear Vanilla to say that making him believe that is a sign of what he always wanted to do with her. All three talked a bit more then Tails and Cream headed into his workshop. They entered his ship and began starting it up. Once operational, the ship began to shrink to almost microscopic size and he started flying into the living room. He saw Vanilla who was still sitting on the couch but with her legs more stretched to slip in under her skirt. He flew in and even saw she removed her panties to provide clear passage into her pussy. He then drives the ship pushing into her lower lips causing her to moan from feeling pleasure till the ship went in. The ship was moving through her wet hot tunnel till Tails and Cream witnessed Vanilla’s cervix once more. They shrunk a bit more till they could squeeze into the opening of the cervix making Vanilla moan once more. “Here we are Cream back in the cervix once more”. Cream then started getting excited as she pointed out. “Look Tails there are more eggs floating inside mom’s womb like the one that came out after we helped mom”. “Yup thanks to your need to help her, she can have plenty of babies. Soon you will have brothers and sisters. But first we need you to be the first born and eldest in here”. Tails and her were getting ready to exit the ship until Cream hugged Tails suddenly. “Please make sure to take care of my mom”. Tails let out a contented laugh and says, “Of course. She will be my important person to protect. That goes for you when you’re born and your future brothers and sisters”. Cream let go of him and then head out the ship. They went to the nearest ovum and marvel at it a bit. Cream then gets closer and looks back at Tails to see him giving a gentle smile making her smile as well. She placed an arm inside and soon the rest of her body got sucked in and absorbed. Tails watched as the egg soon was about to latch to Vanilla’s uterus so he needed to act fast. He started thinking about Vanilla both her mature body and her new well endowed teenage body. His cock was becoming erect and began stroking it off. He was getting excited feeling his body getting hot after a quick stroking session he felt his balls tighten and about to let out his seed. He got close to the ovum and have his cock penetrate the membrane of the ovum. He then let out a huge load of fox spunk into the cell swimming inside where Cream was absorbed. Tails needed to act fast and pull out to prevent being absorbed too and joining Cream. He pulled himself free and watched as the egg latch onto the walls of the uterus. Tails then got back into his ship and got to the controls. He looked through a window to see the Cream egg once more then says, “See you again soon Cream, before traveling out.

He pushed his ship past the cervix and then started flying out Vanilla’s pussy where Vanilla was able to feel all that. Tails lands his ship and regrows it then exiting out. He heads back into the living room with Vanilla’s face all red. She then asks, “Did you do it Tails?”. He nods yes and replies, “Cream is going to be “our” first newborn now. Our time as a family will come soon”. Vanilla smiles then goes to kiss Tails. Tails thought what to do next. Then...
June 2, 2023
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