Tell Vanilla themselves
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They ringed the bell, Vanilla opens the door and she sees Tails and her daughter she smiled at both

"So how was your adventures at the caves?" Vanilla said allowing them both to enter to the house

"It was great,but we have to tell you something?" Said Cream, she was quite excited Vanilla looked at her a little confused but no concerned "Why do you want to say?" she asked Tails finally announce

"We have to tell you that you are going to be pregnant!" Vanilla was quite suprised by this "Woah, wait a second Tails, how do you know that, you should know that I have a problem with my fertility, unless you..."

Before she could continue Tails interrupted "Vanilla, I have to say it,ummm, the truth is, that we were the ones to help you,that's right we were inside of you and cured you miss Vanilla."

Vanilla was shocked and happy at the same time, shocked for Tails and Cream being inside of her and that she is going to have a child. "Thank you for helping me, I owe you a lot!!!" She exclaimed, the day passed with eating food and games until it Cream got sleepy and get to her room to sleep, Tails was helping Vanilla washing the dishes, she began a conversation

"So you were inside of me again, Tails, without asking my permission. So that's explain why I felt a slightly pleasure at my lower body, you shouldn't have done that." she said sternly Tails looked downin shame before answer her

"I did that for Cream so that she can have a brother or sister and most importantly... I did it for.. you" he finished it shyly looking away from her

" Why is that?" she asked

"Cause I like you, I got a crush at you for a quite of time, I was always interested in you because make me feel funny, a sensation that I never felt before, You're beautiful, I already imagine Cream when she will grown up, she will become just like you. Anyway, I was always interested in you since the first time I laid eyes on you, last year was suprising but I was glad to going inside of you for my studies"

Vanila was suprised at Tails confesion however, she frowned on him "Tails, I appreciate it, but you are really young for me, I am more older than you, I'm a mother too, Literally, we have a lot of years difference, there is no wa.." Tails kiss her on her mouth with passion.

"To me age doesn't count to me at all, if you want I can make a machine that it can make it to be at the same age as you or to turn you at the same age as me, and we can take care Cream together, so how about this, do you like the idea?"
June 2, 2023
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