You scare Kashiwagi
· original author:
Note: Just a Guy and Former182 wrote this together

"Pfft ghosts! How stupid! What are they, 5? *Sigh* Well If I do find him, at least I can have him to myself for a while. I swear... If that drunkard calls me a Christmas cake one more time il-" Crows flew by, causing the woman to yelp and jump back. You're still invisible and looked at the desperate woman and came up with an idea.

You headed a little deeper into the woods before casting a spell that would make your chest seem open. Then you summoned a little boy familiar that had nightmarish red eyes and fangs for teeth

"Okay little guy. I have something to ask for you. I want you to pretend that you're eating my guts. When you see a woman come around near me, I want you to scream at her before chasing her. Make sure to give her some distance, so she's ahead of you when you think she's far enough away. Let her go, then come back to me and I'll give you a chocolate bar that good?" You explained and asked. The boy didn't say anything other than giving a smile then a nod. So you put your plan into action.

As Kashiwagi got a hold of herself, she sighed. "Come on woman. You're fine! There's no such thing as gho-"

"Issac, seriously come on! I just want to eat! Is this about that story I laughed at? All right, it was a little scary. Just come on out, man!" Your Illusion of yourself said before stepping onto something and looking a bit scared at it.

"What? Is this blood? No it can't be! Ugh, that brat is trying to play a trick on me isn't he? Fine I'll play along for now." It said, faking confidence, but in actuality it's quite scared before disappearing.

The teacher shivered before calming down.

"No it's probably just magic or something right? Yeah it is! See, I'm fine and I'm not gonna die a virgin!" The 40 year old woman falsely reassured herself.

The woman headed deeper into the forest again before another illusion of you appeared. "You're fine, man. You're fine. Oh god, who am I kidding. Issac, come on! I'm scared alright!? Just come out already!"

It then looked back at Kashiwagi before saying "What the hell?! Oh god please no!" Before running off and disappearing.

The Teacher gulped. "I'm glad I brought extra panties for the trip."

She then slapped herself before saying to herself. "Get it together, you're fine! There's no such thing, it's probably just magic! Gah, you're pathetic. I can't believe you actually wet yourself! Yeah, I'm right. It's fine. It's probably just magic."

The Christmas cake assured herself before following the illusion before coming across you and the boy familiar pretending to eat you. The little guy looked up from his fake meal before screeching.

"Whahahahhahahaah!!!!!!!!" The teacher screamed at the top of her lungs before running faster than anyone you've ever seen run before sure enough the little guy gave chase and ran after her but after 5 minutes he came back to you.

"Way to go, little buddy! I think she actually crapped herself when she saw you. As promised, here you go!" You praise him before summoning a Tony's Chocolonely chocolate bar (Since you don't support slave labor.) The boy smiled before jumping giddily as you gave him it and in a few seconds he devoured the entire thing. You laughed before ruffling his hair and desummoning him as you waved goodbye.

You headed near the camp, but kept your distance. You knew way too many cartoons where the antagonist nearly won before they got too cocky and gloated.

“There’s ghosts! Real Ghosts!” Kashiwagi yelled.

“Well, that’s what we said!” Naru exclaimed. “Why did you send us out there?”

“Because I thought I saw a man in the bushes, watching us! I thought it’d be nice for us to have some fun with a man!” Kashiwagi yelled.

“Oh… Wish there was one. Woulda made the trip a real fun one,” Kitsune muttered, looking off to the side in disappointment. .

“Kitsune! You know that men are after-” Naru began.

“Ah, just shut it. Women are just as perverted. Maybe I ought to get you to spend some time with Chizuru Honshou and Ryofu Housen? That’ll show you,” Kitsune muttered. Naru blushed and glared. Kitsune cackled, “Oh, You know them? Heh. You really do have a thicker head than I thought.”

“Maybe I should let you get a taste of the Naru punch?” Naru said as she began to crack her knuckles.

“That’s! IT! Everyone, get back to your tents! In the morning, we’ll be leaving for a hotel!” Kashiwagi ordered.

‘Mission accomplished…’ You thought.

As you began to head back, you said, “A few ghost tricks here and there and they all run off.”

“Chie didn’t, but she had experience with the supernatural.”

“Yeah, had to resort to bugs with that one,” You replied.

“I noticed that the one with Kashiwagi did target the protective urge towards children. I kinda think that was a bit cruel, but she can be unlikeable at times.”

“Yeah, I heard things, so I-” You uttered before stopping and looking at who you were talking with.

Mizore Shirayuki.

“Uhm…” you uttered, wondering what spell to scare her with. She was scared off by Yukari’s floating teapot pouring hot water in the anime. Maybe you should…

“I want to be your right hand lady. Whether it be in pranks or journeying, I want to be at your side,” Mizore said in her usual flat tone.

“Why?” You asked.

“You’re handsome. You had the power to do more than just pranks, but you stuck with simple scares,” Mizore said. “I admire that restraint. Even when you were dealing with women who’d become stronger than you if they found out you were behind the scares, you held back.”

“You do like weak underdogs, don’t you?” You asked. Mizore nodded.
June 2, 2023