more milf intruder choices part 4
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Charlotte Pickles from Rugrats - Like Lila, she's a businesswoman, but one who slowly learned to have time to spend outside of the office. Though as she grew older, she slipped back into it. She's more mercenary than Lila Test, though.

She has a daughter. Depending on when you showed up, Angelica is either 3 years old or 13.


Trudy Proud from The Proud Family - While attractive, flirty, nice, kind, and friendly, she's bossy, hypocritical, short-tempered, jealous, and stubborn.

But she does care about her friends and family and will make the time to listen to them. The real question is if she'll do anything, as most of the time she'll offer some kind words before telling them to solve it themselves without violence.

Chances are that she came into your home to clean it up without the permission of the other mothers, probably either thinking she knows better or she convinced the others to wait a day.

But that can probably be chalked up to the fact that the disappearance vanished both her husband and one of her three kids. She might only be doing that because she feels she has nothing left to lose. So remind her of Penny and Cece to stop her.


Bernice Florence Hufnagel from Duckman.

She's a fitness fanatic who seems to be the kind of feminist who complains a lot about men. Then again, she lived with Duckman, who is a huge unrepentant perverted jerk who deliberately sets her off.

She's also quite perverted, like Duckman. Unlike him, she keeps it restrained for the most part. She is willing to lower her standards and morals if it means getting a sexual partner.

She did care a lot about her nephews and the disappearance probably put her into a huge depression. You being the first man in years will get her out of it, but she will lash out if you're not careful. It's more of a knee-jerk reaction from living with Duckman.


Marge Simpsons from The Simpsons.

Nice, kind, self-righteous,, bland, and a wet blanket.

Words that described Marge for years. According to rumors, the writers of the show often made the newbies write a Marge-focused script because she was so bland and boring.

As time went on, she's developed a 'bitch in sheep's clothing' personality. often sabotaging her family, so they will remain close to her. So be wary if she tries to keep you in either your home or her home.

She probably misses Homer and Bart a lot. Both were troublemakers that made humungous messes that needed her to clean up. Lisa and Maggie didn't need as much cleanup. Lisa merely needed emotional support and Maggie is a baby.

She's also quite possessive and jealous. So be careful if you decide to clean up around her, as she considers that to be her job and her job alone. And be wary when around other women. She'll either threaten them or you, or spread a rumor that will ruin your life in Toon Land.
June 2, 2023