It was Debbie Turnbull.
(Co-written by Absolfusion)

It was no other than Debbie Turnbull, then squared headed mom from Robot Boy she was seemly making something on the home's kitchen, completely humming a tune completely unaware of your precense as she continues cooking, whatever she was making, it was really good smelling. You also tries to not stare on her bubbling and jiggling butt and swaying hips althought, it was surprisely quite detailed..

You didn't want to be caught staring, but honestly, it was difficult not to. You've spent most of your life fending for yourself using your magic to clean and cook all your meals, so having a woman using her feminine touch to spruce up the place felt a little bit weird. Still, you couldn't help but appreciate the thought of what these woman were trying to do even though it was ultimately unneeded. They had willing let you, a complete and total stranger into their lives and for that you felt truly blessed and thankful. You decided that you would make your presence known by clearing your throat to catch her attention.

She 'Eep'ed as she stood upright then quickly calmed down and looked back, her eyes widen noticing you behind her, you gave a small wave and she sheepishly return it.
"Hi, [N/Y].."

"Hello... Debbie, isn't it?" You greeted "How.. did you get in? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh!" She relaxed visbly. "Peg had cppies of the house key made to distribute to all your neighbors, so we can come and check on you every once in a while. She was adamant that you recieve all the care and support that you need if you're going to be living amongst Toons." Did Peg say that, really? That's actually kind of... sweet of her. Even if they are kind of barging tinto your privacy like this, though Peg being your landlady you probably made some implicit agreement by her allowing you to stay here at no charge. That's probably just something you're going to have to live with until you can find your own place.

"I... see.." You noted. "So.. I take its your turn on.. "looking "after me on this? Correct?" She nods and gave you an sweet smile, she did come here without any ulterior reason, at least you think so given her explanation as for you're likely the only male they had seen in a long time... well one not in TV, they are taking seriously your care.

In an way.. you were quite invaluable, now that you think about it. You shrugged. "Ok. I guess. I'm not used to having this much female attention heaped on me so I do feel a little bit awkward, to be honest. Mages are usually known to live fairly solitary lives. It comes with the territory, I suppose." Your admission caused Debbie's smile to become a little sad and she placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"It's true that there's nothing wrong with being alone, but when you socialize and connect with other people you'd be surprised at how many friends you can make, and isn't creating long-lasting friendships the greatest magic of all?"

"I... guess you could say that.. yeah but Magic isn't really all that fun and games once you get hold of it, same can be on socializing; To socialize it's needs to start slow, like a conversation, then finding common interest and move from there, people on my world would flock on me due to my magic but it would be that... they're in for my magic and abilities as if I can make things out of thin air or fix something unfixable...

Unless I were a pony, which it isn't.." You smirked bit "I picked up the reference, by the way." This little line of dialogue earned you a confused head tilt from Debbie, who seemed about to say something, but then decided that it wasn't worth pursuing and let it slide this time.

"So, while I'm here is there anything I can do for you? I'll be sticking around for a little while until my shift ends and the next enighbor can come in." Debbie smiled and said, "Oh boy, you don't even know. I have many wants and desires that I want to be fulfilled, some of them a little bit coser than others."
She paused. "But my wants don't really matter right now, since I'm volunteering my free time to help you out, and right now that's more important." Her declaration sounded genuine and from the heart, and had you been any other man you likely would've left it right there.
This Trumbull person had you so intrigued however that you couldn't help pressing her for more details to sate your curiosity.
"What is your desire," you asked gently, looking deep into her eyes.

Like somehow subjected to a sort of trance she says the first words that come to her mind:

- Option -

1 - It was an heartfelt confess of having her son and husband back.
2 - She wants you or especially, your touch, your body, your dick.
3 - She wants alot of things, most are just objects, riches and even dark desires fulfilled.
4 - Reader's Choice.
June 2, 2023