more women who grabbed your book
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Chizuru from Kanokon

She's a 400 year old virgin Kitsune. She's a really flirty girl who has poor impulse control. So she won't be too bad with your book. At most, she might keep you in your young state, since her boyfriend was one of those young-looking protagonists.


Lina Inverse from Slayers

A powerful magic user who has breast envy, since she tends to hang around big breasted women. Your book might answer her prayers. She's also a bit greedy, temperamental, and gluttonous, but also one who reads a magic book thoroughly before casting spells.

So a word of warning. She might not only be able to use your book, but be able to steal it and keep it from you!


Chocolat from One Piece.

She's part of the Fake Straw Hat crew and tried to pose as Nami. While posing as Nami, she tried to threaten someone.

That person was Nami. You can guess it didn't end well for Chocolat.

Her having your book might be dangerous. She could successful steal Nami's identity this time and even turn the Cruise ship into her own personal pirate ship!

About the only thing in your favor is that she's a weak fighter and that anyone can beat her.


Toga Himiko from My Hero Academia

She's a serial killer with the ability to turn into anyone. The catch is that she has to drink their blood first. The more blood she drinks, the longer the transformation lasts. If the person has powers, she can use them.

As for who she tends to kill, anyone she gets a crush on. She also gets turned on by either killing someone, by the mere attempt of trying to kill them, or by drinking their blood.

Her having your magic book and using it is a nightmare scenario.
June 2, 2023