Dues Ex Machina saves the day
· original author:
Writers note this chapter was Beta read by Former 182

As Sariel took you inside you began to Panic afraid of what she might do to you. She's in full control of you and your actions.

"Oh don't worry Anon! You'll quickly come to love being the Messiah. Being worshipped by many many... beautiful Nuns. It's practically a dream come true," Sariel tried to reassure your worries as she held you closer to her chest.

She opened one of the Inn’s room doors, where a young Lady in a bathrobe was drinking a cup of tea. Strangely enough, you didn't recognize her from any shows, western or eastern.

"Excuse me, but I think you've got the wrong room," She explained politely.

Sariel said, "Oh no, I believe we do. Anon, if you don't mind, darling."

You shouted, "I'm sorry! I can't control myself!!"

You raised your hand and casted the spell that quickly shot at the young woman!

...Only for it to quickly deteriorate into nothing.

"What a surprise, Anon. You're here too, sweetie?" The young woman asked.

"WAIT, GRANDMA?!!!" You screamed, surprised and relieved at the same time.

"Yes it's me. I came here to relax a bit. It seems like you're in a bit of trouble here," Your Grandmother replied.

"Yeah, I got bound to this angel. Can you make me the master of her instead?!" You asked.

Your grandmother smiled before holding her hand out and saying a few magic words. A blast of magic shot out from her hand and hit Sariel. The chain quickly shifted onto her neck instead.


"Sariel, be quiet until I tell you that you can talk!" You ordered.

Sariel had no choice but to shut up, although you could see that she was very upset about it and struggled as she tried to open her mouth.

"Whew! Thanks, grandma! I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here! Talk about a coincidence, huh?" You thanked your Grandma for saving your bacon.

"Oh, it's no problem at all. I'd never let something bad happen to my grandson. Just please be more careful next time. If I was still in my older form, I'd have a heart attack!" Your grandmother said before giving you a hug.

"Don't worry, Grandma, I will. Besides, things would have gone fine if Naru and Motoko A. didn't mess it up! Speaking of which, I gotta turn them back. Sariel made me turn them into nuns!"
You hugged your grandmother back while explaining what happened.

"Well then, good luck! I'd like to stay and help, but there's an Academy full of Witches I need to teach. They're going to be training in deadly magic and I’d prefer that they don't explode into chunks," Your grandmother said before teleporting away with a wave.

You walked around the Inn, found the Trio, and quickly turned them back to normal.

"Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was going to be stuck like that forever!" Tsuruko sighed in relief

"P...Please accept our apologies, Anon. We thought you were trying to enslave an innocent girl. Had we known what you were doing, we wouldn't have tried to stop you!" Naru said as the two bowed down as low as they could to try and apologize for nearly dooming you.

"Oh sure, I forgive you." You said.

The two Straightened up

"Oh tha-" Motoko A said before you cut them off.

"Just one thing!" You said with a smile.

"What is it?" Naru asked.

Your smile turned into a grimace of anger as you pulled your leg back and kicked Motoko A in the crotch in rage. "Now I forgive you!"

The Tsundere grabbed her privates in pain as she jumped up and down squealing before falling down on the floor with tears coming down her face.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!!" Naru demanded to know why you lashed out.

"I nearly got turned into a sex slave because of you idiots! I have every right to be pissed at you! Now do you want the same treatment as her or are you going to be a good girl and not interfere!?" You barked at her in barely-contained rage.

Naru quickly looked at her friend before covering her crotch with her hands and saying with a nervous chuckle "On second thought, I will! hahaha!!!"

"Good! Now then we have one down and two to go. Who should we go after next?" You asked
June 2, 2023