Long before Twilight becomes an Alicorn.
"... long before Twilight becomes an alicorn. By this point, the Future Princess of Magic and Friendship had just stopped Nightmare Moon and purified Luna with the Elements of Harmony and its Bearers and is now settling down in Ponyville. You'll appear above the town, high in the sky, from there, you'll be free to choose who shall be the vessel for your rebirth."

"Oh that's.. wait."

"I understand that you'll want to breed some of the mares and fillies there early, I won't be against it if you decided to accelerate your growth and maturity."

"Wait, you know I can do that?" She rolled her eyes.

"When I meant you can shapeshift, I meant it in every word, your kind is just as bad as the Plane Shifting Dragons." You shifted somewhat uncomfortably. "What's wrong?

"We... are somewhat related to them, we use the same magic but don't like talking about it."

"... You are about to use my ponies to resurrect yourself but talking about being related to dragons is out of line?"

"... It's complicated."

"Alright... I won't press it, frankly, I don't care." She sighed. The white and red alicorn looked at some folders with documents within them. "You can use any pony you please, even the bearers themselves, although getting them to get pregnant is gonna be difficult, even in a sexually open world with an encouraging breeding culture, having foal is still a life-changing affair."

"I have my ways if only to resurrect me, I have spells for that kind of stuff, they all won't notice and if they do, they'll downplay it as something minor, by the time I'm out of the womb, they'll won't remember a single thing or even acknowledge I was born from them." she frowns a bit

"Hmm, And rushing your physical growth to breed? You could wait for a few years. At least, pretend to be raised and get a feel for what is to live in Equestria, I don't want you to get into a culture shock. Also, no matter how strong your passive, suggestive hypnotism is and how much you can apply to an entire town, somepony will still notice that you aren't a normal foal."

"... You're right, but I kinda don't want to be chained down, no matter how good the conditions are, I still wanna see what's out there beyond the veil."

"... You know, I would be a bit offended on the chain remark given that I'm fair with my conditions bestowed upon you but I get what you are coming from." She sighed, "You know the drill, get to the door and you'll appear in Equestria's sky, right above Ponyville, you can be anywhere you want... although, word of advice; careful if you choose Canterlot."


"Yeah, Canterlot. The seat of the Royal Sisters. At this point in time, the very rediscovery of the Elements made those attuned to magic more sensitive and your soul is like a shiny beacon for those that look closely, including the sisters. Having you here may also make you more noticeable to them, they'll know that I sent you."

"So... stay away from Canterlot?"

"If you choose. You'll need to explain yourself, though, and I won't be there to clean things up. As for the Princesses at this point in time, they're busy with each other; Luna regaining her former strength, and confidence while catching up with the modern era, and Celestia helping her by repairing their strained bond and re-integrate her into her original duties in the dreamscape and raiser of the moon. That said, they'll take interest in you as soon they become aware of your existence."

"What about Cadence?" This made her think.

"Hmm can't say much about her, you'll be fine around her, she had a lot more on her plate than to be concerned about the spirit of a dead mage, like her wedding and preparing her time for the Crystal Empire and confronting King Sombra."

"I see.. I guess this is all then?"

"Yes, it is all." You got off your seat and went to the door, however, you looked at her for one last time.

"I will see you again?"

"Perhaps, I will be watching you, however, and with interest." She nodded, "Go on and live again."

And with that, you nodded, bid her farewell, and opened the door behind you. As soon it was open, everything went white...

... Only to be back in the clear blue sky of Equestria, as Favored Ink stated, you were high above of Ponyville, so high in fact, that the very town looked tiny in comparison.

"If I were alive, I would be feeling vertigo on this very moment, one of the free props on being an intangible spirit." You thought, you took a good look at the landscape, all possible location to go, from the Town below to the visible City of Canterlot on the mountains, as well as the city in the sky, Cloudsdale.
June 2, 2023